I've spent about 40minutes working on this bug report. I've rewrote the skill state stuff from scratch, making it possible for 2 or more conditions to be required in each skill, for example "shield:riding" (requires shield and to be riding), why did I do that? I misread the report and believed it was about being able to give skills additional conditions (I spent 40 minutes working on riding:dragon while the condition is not even possible =_=). Unless gravity releases new skills that would make use of such multiple-condition-req stuff, it was a total waste of time. I'm releasing it for free here for any who'd like to use such feature (it'd be sort of cool with custom skills). I will not however provide support for it, so don't bother to ask.
Attached to the bottom of the entry, +800 lines diff.
How to use:
You split skill conditions with a ':', e.g. my infamous
patch_commit_913367872c10.patch (28.46K)
downloads: 46
Attached to the bottom of the entry, +800 lines diff.
How to use:
You split skill conditions with a ':', e.g. my infamous
riding:dragonor another example:
cart:shield:waterthe above requires you to have a cart, a shield, and to be on top of water ;/
patch_commit_913367872c10.patch (28.46K)
downloads: 46