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Upcoming Update

Posted by Ind, in Code, Hercules 22 May 2013 · 1300 views

As you might have noticed its been a day or two I havent commit, thats because I've been working on a super-mega-ultra long patch which has a number of things I'm not talking about :P what I am going to talk about however is on map's servers weight, I've redesigned some some things in such a way that it lost about 2/3 of its size, yup map-servers thin and getting thinner. it normally consumes about 300MB after boot, right? well,
Posted Image
Now it only consumes 130MB (yup :D), and boots (and shuts itself down) much faster. the ugly output on the right (i'm not done designing that) is a new console command 'server mem_report' which lists/outputs where memory is coming from. I'm not leaking much more now, this update should be coming in a day or two at most -- alongside the new BG Queue and interesting things.

o.O You are my new GOD

You are everything.


love you =x

Brace yourselves.

and Boom!! suddenly the RAM loves you again :D

this is awesome. :D

I fell in love with you since Hercules started :< but, but nah im just trolling. Haha that's cool:D now i can easly make 2 servers in 1 xD

Simply Amazing ~ :D

I'm Loving Hercules Now! :)


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Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools, that don't have brains enough to be honest.”

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Pride is concerned with who is right. Humility is concerned with what is right.”

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The past has shown that my excessive privacy had its drawbacks, one in particular allowed misinformation regarding me and my actions to scatter with ease. In this page I intend to log about any action I take regarding Hercules, and maybe some other stuff too, filter by tags if you're looking for something specific.

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