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Stance Change | Trojal's Demotion

Posted by Ind, 16 June 2013 · 1004 views

Hercules has, since its creation, held up a standard of class and elegance by standing still against harassment and false allegations trying not to create further conflict.
I believe however that maintaining this standard will only serve one purse: hurt Hercules. Our silence has allowed deceitful, classless people such as DevilEvil and Maki to take advantage of our silence to spread their lies. It truly is horrifying to realize how such people exist. They schemed to get me out of rAthena, they schemed to get Jman out of rAthena, Jman and I let it go and founded Hercules, and even so, even when we let it go and moved on, they still think they have the right to continuously harass Hercules and us.
Hercules doesn't deserve this. I'll not allow it to go through this any longer, I'll not hold up anymore.
Today onwards I'll do my best to make my actions as clear as possible, as I am doing in this post by describing why Trojal is being removed from Hercules, I'll do my best not to leave any holes that may be taken advantage of by these people.

Today Trojal is being removed from our team, he has proven to be unpredictable and has lost our trust in him.
Ever since joining Hercules Trojal has demonstrated disdain for rAthena's management -- which, is not a requirement for being a part of Hercules, as we have staff who serve them too and we keep them here because we trust them, we trust they will not leak our stuff at the first high-ranking position they are offered. Just a couple weeks ago he was making comments on how incompetent they were for letting their forum be offline for so long, Yet he took a admin position in rAthena recently, without giving us any explanations (e.g. oh im gonna help them with something dont worry about the private stuff), he pretty much dumped us for a high-ranking position at rAthena, thus proving his unpredictable-ness, causing the trust loss.
That is all.

Quote : Benjamin Franklin

Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools, that don't have brains enough to be honest.”

Quote : Winston Churchill

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”

Quote : Ezra Taft Benson

Pride is concerned with who is right. Humility is concerned with what is right.”

Quote : A.S. G 00

...people who misuse their intelligence, who get caught up in their own assumptions and prejudices, and lose sight of the truth. This leads to misunderstanding and discord, and then conflict is created.”

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The past has shown that my excessive privacy had its drawbacks, one in particular allowed misinformation regarding me and my actions to scatter with ease. In this page I intend to log about any action I take regarding Hercules, and maybe some other stuff too, filter by tags if you're looking for something specific.

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