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Pincode Credit Mistake.

Posted by Ind, in Hercules 30 June 2013 · 1191 views

As I wrote about the other day, I'd be addressing many things, and this is one of them.
For many months now we've been accused of miscrediting merges, which, up to now, I dismissed entirely as bullshit because most of the merges made were done by git cherry-pick which merges the commits in their entirety, as can be seen in the many examples of April 11th,

About a week ago it was brought to my attention that we miscredited rAthena in the pincode file header, when we merged it, while the Official Item Package was being developed, so I continued to work on it and expected to be responding afterwards, and ends up I forgot about it (woo. @_@) till now.
It has been fixed now in the https://github.com/H...1002301e0f24462 commit, it was my fault and has been in there for the past 4 months, and the purpose of this writing is to prevent this story from being spin.
Why do I even dare to call it that when we indeed did miscredit the pincode feature? because rAthena has never, ever, reached us to tell about the header of the pincode file being wrong (and its been 4 months since we miscredit it!), it was a mistake which is now being fixed as we just became aware of it, and because we did not attempt to miscredit anything on purpose, and have since continued to employ git cherry-pick whenever possible.
This alone does not justify me calling them on this, no no, after all regardless of whether it was a mistake or not, we did miscredit them in the pincode file.
However they took away all the mentions of Hercules from the over 150 commits merged from us does, give me the right to call it out on them. Lemme word this properly, they were taken away while the commits were being merged, not afterwards, rAthena has been merging from Hercules since it started, and they've never let any mention of Hercules get into the repository.
Because Hercules, like the truth, only exists to them when it is convenient. The pincode mistake wasn't brought up to our attention by them because it wasn't convenient, they wanted to use it as a excuse.
You don't need to trust me, you can do like me and download the latest rAthena repository copy, and run the following in its directory
grep -roi hercules . | wc -w
Output: 2.
or the following if you wanna know where the mentions come from
grep -roi hercules .
You don't need to take my word for it, go confirm as I did. In all +150 Hercules commits that rAthena used/merged, all mentions of Hercules that were present in them were stripped, all, ALL, none left! the only mentions of Hercules in the rathena repository are from a geffen npc that says Hercules.
Truly outrageous.
Oh yes I have a personal, bitter message, to mr. lighta who I spoke to during the past 4 months in several occasions about the accusations and he never mentioned the error in the header.
Go and fuck yourself you two-faced talentless leech.

Maybe just use AUTHORS file approach? For example https://github.com/d.../master/AUTHORS

Source files could the include just

// Copyright © Hercules Authors

This would be also more respectful to people who have never been or no longer are in Hercules Team. You might be or not in team, but once you've become an author (contributor) you continue to hold this title/position for all eternity.


Authors file could distinguish between people who contributed to Hercules project after forking from rA, and those who contributed to legacy code - since it's unlikely to get in touch with all of past contributors, anyone who is not known by name/email (or doesn't want to be listed) could be refered to as rAthena Authors, eAthena Authors and/or jAthena Authors.


This is also better approach considering community-driven development thanks to GitHub. And there are also contributors who do not write code but provide other important stuff - I guess they fit into Special Thanks section.

Interesting idea..

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