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Support & Activity

Posted by Ind, in Forum, Hercules 12 August 2013 · 795 views

My ability to commit and get new content done has been diminished as of late. My availability has not changed one bit since Hercules started, the culprit for my diminished commit ability is Hercules increasing popularity. I've been getting more and more support and question PMs everyday and up to now I've always provided a sterling response to each, as silly as it may sound, most of them actually require due consideration and research which consumes time. It has become overwhelming and I can no longer take such burden, I urge those users to bring their questions and concerns to our public forums instead, where they'll be just as well served by our members and staff as they were by me. From today onwards I'll be responding to any new such PMs with a link to this entry.
I thank you for your time and understanding,

Yes, yes, yes.


This is completely understandable. From an administrative standpoint, this is completely reasonable. You have bigger fish to fry, and holding everyone's (mine included!) hands just bogs you down.


/me snaps

Totally agreed!! and also before posting something please check if your issue has already been reported and solved already.

I see multiple posts with the same issue almost everyday.

Quote : Benjamin Franklin

Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools, that don't have brains enough to be honest.”

Quote : Winston Churchill

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”

Quote : Ezra Taft Benson

Pride is concerned with who is right. Humility is concerned with what is right.”

Quote : A.S. G 00

...people who misuse their intelligence, who get caught up in their own assumptions and prejudices, and lose sight of the truth. This leads to misunderstanding and discord, and then conflict is created.”

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About Station H

The past has shown that my excessive privacy had its drawbacks, one in particular allowed misinformation regarding me and my actions to scatter with ease. In this page I intend to log about any action I take regarding Hercules, and maybe some other stuff too, filter by tags if you're looking for something specific.

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