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Character Bans

Posted by Ind, in Code, Hercules 16 November 2013 · 940 views

I stumbled by the packet that makes this feature possible yesterday, while doing some research (Thanks to Yommy), it is at least 5 years old, and enables the ability for individual characters to be temporarily banned as opposed to the whole account, as demonstrated in the image below.
Posted Image
The feature was commit today, it uses 2 commands:
- @charban
- @charunban
The logic is the same as the normal @ban, e.g. @charban 2mn Ind = 2-minute ban on the 'Ind' character.


That should be much easier of a method of handling some banable situations

Damnit! I wish this was possible LONG AGO :(

Excellent find as always Ind & Yommy :)

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