i.e. (quoting from script docs)
If you're using a client from 2011-10-10aRagexe.exe onwards, you can also
use automatic navigation and open URLs in browser by using some HTML-like
labels. For example:
mes "go to <NAVI>[Hat Maker]<INFO>izlude,131,148,</INFO></NAVI> to make hats";
Will make the [Hat Maker] text clickable in the client and start a navigation
to that point.
mes "You can <URL>Google<INFO>http://www.google.com/</INFO></URL> anything";
Clicking Google will open the browser and point to Google website.
a week ago I was going thru the game client looking for some packet behavior and I stumbled by
<ITEMLINK>, which allows one to "link" to item descriptions, e.g.
mes "<ITEMLINK>HIIII Im valk shield<INFO>2115</INFO></ITEMLINK>";
which becomes a blue "HIIII Im valk shield", which, upon clicked, opens the valkyrie shield (2115) item description window. I'm not aware of when this was implemented, I tested on 2013-12-23c.
Wow! Like on most MMORPG, this is unbelievable! Now you can set vote for points with links directly to NPC right? If they want to vote or something poll linked to facebook for example.