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Mumbles' Mumbles

Crash Course: Scripting 101-B

Posted by Mumbles, in Guides 28 January 2014 · 1354 views
scripting, guide
I know it's been a while, but hopefully I'll be pushing these out more frequently. This is a continuation to Crash Course: Scripting 101-A  , which I wrote back in November. Normally, I would have written it all in one huge post; however, due to complications with our forum software deleting my original post twice, I decided to break down the course in pa...


Crash Course: Scripting 101-A

Posted by Mumbles, in Guides 12 November 2013 · 1926 views
scripting, guide
Prologue  When I first got into *Athena  scripting, it would have been a great convenience to have a decent guide, teacher, or even a friend to learn with. Back then, the documentation for script commands wasn't very good (not that it's anything glamourous now), people didn't have the patience to sit down and go over the basics, and my friends who were in...

Scripts for Tips

Saved a couple hours? Tips are appreciated! (:

Posted Image


Work in Progress

Crash Course: Scripting 101
Not sure how long it's going to take me, but I plan to cover the basics of scripting in an extensive guide. I'll be breaking it down into several different parts, so check back every now and then to see if I've written anything new! However, it's entirely up to you to make use of what I write here, so get busy and be creative!

A: Structure and Formatting, Variables
B: Expressions, Concatenation
C: Loops, Arrays
D: Functions
E: (to be determined)