I want you to stay with me, and stay positive and here are the benefits of that.
- When you are positive in life, you will easily overcome frustrations, issues you will experience in running your server and your life.
- You will have enough time for the things that you want to do, like learning more.
- You will never give up or at least take years before you do so.
- You will learn things fast because you are positive that you can do it. You can be as Awesome as GMOcean. Cause what ever he can do, you can to.
- And many things really, be positive = you will no longer be affected by any problems in life, even if something bad happens you will always be able to find the good things in it.
Examples of being positive:
A player is cursing you, using your server's main chat. A huge person of GMs would just ban/jail this dude. A positive one will get his attention positively by PMing him and asking what is wrong nicely. Cause he knows if someone complains about something, or does something bad, there is a reason, and there is a problem, and that problem can be FIXED by understanding one another not by ban hammering and never talking again. With this you can turn that bad player into a good one, and your server community will get better therefore more people are going to play it.
Some might say "easier said than done", true in some cases your subconscious might kick off type @block and boom xD You have a new bad review on RMS, facebook groups etc.
You found a script you want to use, but damn it was bugged, and the author takes time to fix. Now, you want to fix it by yourself however you have 2 options.
- Believe in your that you can fix it, there are tons of resources you can use to solve the problem. Try and try until you get it to work, cause if you can imagine how the npc will work, then it is possible.
- Do not believe in yourself and give up half way.
Be positive, you do have time for the things that you want. 15 mins of learning daily is better than 0minutes of learning daily.
Always remember, if there is a problem then there is a solution. Its just you don't know it yet, however eventually you will, you can either discover it while being frustrated therefore increasing risk of being unhealthy, sad, etc. Or you can discover the solution with a smile in your face, because you believe in yourself and/or whomever you worship.
So yeah, Be Happy always, and your RO journey will be awesome.

I hope you find this article helpful, If you have any situation that you've become less positive and can't find why in any way you'll be positive let me know on the comments.
I learned something from this..