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Hercules entering the third year..!

Posted by jTynne, 14 June 2014 · 1263 views

July is just around the corner, and with it comes the second anniversary of Hercules being online.

Though my activity has dwindled (much like most of the old faces around here) to next to nothing as I focus on my "real life" (which has nothing to do with programming/online gaming), I've seen a parallel, and it raises the question, 'What's next for Hercules?'

I'm anxious to see what Ind's return from a short hiatus will bring the emulator, as well, what the remainder of the summer will bring. Once I finally figure out how the hell to get a 2013/2014 client working (seriously, someone send me a complete package-- I can't for the life of me get the shit to work), I'll start tossing around a few updated things. And of course the whole situation with Harmony/Sirius. Blah.



I've only been at Hercules since January of last year, but it's kinda crazy seeing the amount of progress made in the last year and a half. Can we get a digest of what's happened (development-wise) in the last two years? :^)


I've only been at Hercules since January of last year, but it's kinda crazy seeing the amount of progress made in the last year and a half. Can we get a digest of what's happened (development-wise) in the last two years? :^)

Maybe. If you're nice. Also, we're actually about a semester away from being Two years.. not Three.. D:

PS: Well, if there is something Ind and the rest of the Administration is planning on, the only way to find out what it is, is to have patience. :)

I've only been at Hercules since January of last year, but it's kinda crazy seeing the amount of progress made in the last year and a half. Can we get a digest of what's happened (development-wise) in the last two years? :^)

Maybe. If you're nice. Also, we're actually about a semester away from being Two years.. not Three.. D:

PS: Well, if there is something Ind and the rest of the Administration is planning on, the only way to find out what it is, is to have patience. :)

away from being two years, that means, entering the third year(and not completing the third)

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