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There have been 3 items by mohdsah (Search limited from 09-July 23)

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#68353 I need Help for make ragnarok online.... i have vps host debian

Posted by mohdsah on 03 January 2016 - 03:14 PM in General Server Support

how to kill all running.....i use putty

#68334 I need Help for make ragnarok online.... i have vps host debian

Posted by mohdsah on 03 January 2016 - 04:48 AM in General Server Support

:wacko:  :wacko:  :wacko:  :wacko:  :wacko:  i no work


                 Hercules Development Team presents
                _   _                     _
               | | | |                   | |
               | |_| | ___ _ __ ___ _   _| | ___  ___
               |  _  |/ _  '__/ __| | | | |/ _ / __|
               | | | |  __/ | | (__| |_| | |  __/__
               _| |_/___|_|  ___|__,_|_|___||___/
[Info]: Hercules 32-bit for Linux
[Info]: Git revision (src): '0e990045fc308ca58421eda25838d3b9e7a10afa'
[Info]: Git revision (scripts): '0e990045fc308ca58421eda25838d3b9e7a10afa'
[Info]: OS version: 'Debian GNU/Linux 7.9 (wheezy) [i686]'
[Info]: CPU: 'Intel® Xeon® CPU E5620 @ 2.40GHz [2]'
[Info]: Compiled with GCC v4.7.2
[Info]: Compile Flags: -g -O2 -pipe -ffast-math -fvisibility=hidden -Wall -Wextra -Wno-sign-compare -march=i686 -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-clobbered -Wempty-body -Wformat-security -Wno-format-nonliteral -Wno-switch -Wno-missing-field-initializers -fno-strict-aliasing -DHAVE_EXECINFO -DMAXCONN=16384 -I../common -DHAS_TLS -DHAVE_SETRLIMIT -DHAVE_STRNLEN -I/usr/include -DHAVE_MONOTONIC_CLOCK
[Info]: Server supports up to '1024' concurrent connections.
[Info]: Server supports up to '1024' concurrent connections.
[Info]: Server supports up to '1024' concurrent connections.
[Info]: Finished reading conf/import/inter_conf.txt.
[Info]: Finished reading conf/inter-server.conf.
[Info]: Finished reading conf/import/login_conf.txt.
[Info]: Finished reading conf/login-server.conf.
[Status]: Read information about 1 LAN subnets.
[Status]: Read information about 1 trusted IP ranges.
[Status]: Read information about 1 allowed server IP ranges.
[Warning]: Using a wildcard IP range in the allowed server IPs is NOT RECOMMENDED.
[Notice]: Please edit your 'conf/network.conf' allowed list to fit your network configuration.
[Status]: Login server IP address : cp.luahanhatifm.tk ->
[Info]: Char Server IP Address : 'cp.luahanhatifm.tk' -> ''.
[Info]: Map Server IP Address : 'cp.luahanhatifm.tk' -> ''.
[Status]: Character server IP address : cp.luahanhatifm.tk ->
[Info]: Done reading conf/import/char_conf.txt.
[Info]: Done reading conf/char-server.conf.
[Status]: Read information about 1 LAN subnets.
[Status]: Read information about 1 trusted IP ranges.
[Status]: Read information about 1 allowed server IP ranges.
[Warning]: Using a wildcard IP range in the allowed server IPs is NOT RECOMMENDED.
[Notice]: Please edit your 'conf/network.conf' allowed list to fit your network configuration.
[Info]: Done reading conf/import/inter_conf.txt.
[Info]: Done reading conf/inter-server.conf.
[Info]: Done reading conf/import/inter_conf.txt.
[Info]: Done reading conf/inter-server.conf.
[Info]: Connect Character DB server.... (Character Server)
[Status]: Done reading '50' entries in 'db/re/exp_guild.txt'.
[Info]: Logging item transactions to table 'picklog'.
[Info]: Logging commands to table 'atcommandlog'.
[Info]: Connecting to the Map DB Server....
[Status]: connect success! (Map Server Connection)
[Info]: [SQL]: Connecting to the Log Database ragnarok At
[Status]: [SQL]: Successfully 'connected' to Database 'ragnarok'.
[Status]: Loading maps (using db/re/map_cache.dat as map cache)...
[Status]: Finished Reading GeoIP Database.
[Error]: make_listen_bind: bind failed (socket #6, error 98: Address already in use)!
[Info]: Successfully loaded '875' maps.
[Status]: Done reading '62' command aliases in 'conf/atcommand.conf'.
[Status]: Done reading '4' channels in 'conf/channels.conf'.
[Error]: make_listen_bind: bind failed (socket #5, error 98: Address already in use)!
[Error]: make_listen_bind: bind failed (socket #4, error 98: Address already in use)!

#68284 I need Help for make ragnarok online.... i have vps host debian

Posted by mohdsah on 02 January 2016 - 05:27 AM in General Server Support

master2 ragnarok pls help me to make ragnarok on vps and i need client