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There have been 9 items by Reins (Search limited from 10-July 23)

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#79765 VPS

Posted by Reins on 18 January 2017 - 03:19 PM in Ragnarok Mo? Pag usapan natin

ok ang manilahosting sir . active staff sila :)

true... been there.

naka host ka sa kanila ngayon? kamusta ping?

#76224 [PAID] - Looking for Weapon Sprite designer

Posted by Reins on 30 August 2016 - 09:23 AM in Jobs Available

check your inbox =)

#78067 Mad Bunny Shield sprite not showing

Posted by Reins on 11 November 2016 - 01:01 PM in Graphics Support

Check your iteminfo, and see what the classnum says 

It should be

ClassNum = 6


oke done, i add custom shield with mad bunny sprite.. Thank for your reply

>Enable custom shield at nemo?

yea, already done, thanks for your reply


check pm =) i have some questions to you

#75671 R>simple private room rent script

Posted by Reins on 07 August 2016 - 06:58 PM in Script Requests

can i request a 2 simple private room rent NPC that player will rent will have to pay for the room(custom indoor map) for a certain duration of time let say 1 hour with passcode for guest/companions of the renter which desire to enter. after an hour the room be emptied also the passcode of the renter for the new incoming renter. and the room cannot be rent while occupied the npc outside will display time left when click before next availability of the room. thanks sorry for my bad english XD

#78894 Positioning Headgears to front and back HELP

Posted by Reins on 11 December 2016 - 03:40 PM in Graphics Support

just use Act Editor by tokei its pretty easy to edit there

#80632 Multiple Layering in ACT Editor how?

Posted by Reins on 22 February 2017 - 02:07 PM in Graphics Support

run this script on act editor - credits goes to tokei

int count = act.GetAllFrames().Count + 1;
int index = 0;

TaskManager.DisplayTaskC("Rendering frames...", "Please wait...", () => index, count, new Action<Func<bool>>(isCancelling => {
try {
foreach (var action in act) {
foreach (var frame in action) {
if (frame.Layers.Count <= 1) {
if (isCancelling()) return;

var image = frame.Render(act);
var box = ActImaging.Imaging.GenerateFrameBoundingBox(act, frame);
int relativeIndex = -1;

for (int i = 0; i < act.Sprite.Images.Count; i++) {
if (image.Equals(act.Sprite.Images[i])) {
if (isCancelling()) return;
relativeIndex = act.Sprite.AbsoluteToRelative(i, act.Sprite.Images[i].GrfImageType == GrfImageType.Indexed8 ? 0 : 1);

if (relativeIndex < 0) {
relativeIndex = act.Sprite.InsertAny(image);

int offsetX = (int) ((int) ((box.Max.X - box.Min.X + 1) / 2) + box.Min.X);
int offsetY = (int) ((int) ((box.Max.Y - box.Min.Y + 1) / 2) + box.Min.Y);
var layer = new Layer(relativeIndex, image);

layer.OffsetX = offsetX;
layer.OffsetY = offsetY;


// Removes unused sprites - old way, older versions have a bug
for (int i = act.Sprite.Images.Count - 1; i >= 0 ; i--) {
if (act.FindUsageOf(i).Count == 0) {
var type = act.Sprite.Images[i].GrfImageType;
var relativeIndex = act.Sprite.AbsoluteToRelative(i, type == GrfImageType.Indexed8 ? 0 : 1);
act.Sprite.Remove(relativeIndex, type);

if (type == GrfImageType.Indexed8) {
act.AllLayers(layer => {
if ((layer.IsIndexed8() && type == GrfImageType.Indexed8) ||
(layer.IsBgra32() && type == GrfImageType.Bgra32)) {
if (layer.SpriteIndex == relativeIndex) {
layer.SpriteIndex = -1;

act.Sprite.ShiftIndexesAbove(act, type, -1, relativeIndex);
finally {
index = count;

#73929 DailyRewards like this one so cool!

Posted by Reins on 02 June 2016 - 10:59 PM in Script Requests

is there a possibility like this

i set the script to obtain rewards it should be online for about 6 hours

what if i login about 2 hours in the afternoon then logout and i logged in again in the evening for about 4 hours it will still get the reward?


#74005 Happy Devs: Bring out the best Ragnarok in you.

Posted by Reins on 06 June 2016 - 01:45 AM in Paid Services

check your inbox

#82912 Dastgir's Services

Posted by Reins on 01 June 2017 - 05:12 AM in Paid Services

currently interested on your services but i can't message you lol