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There have been 15 items by Baps (Search limited from 09-July 23)

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#74730 Question about team

Posted by Baps on 02 July 2016 - 03:25 PM in General Server Support

No one ? Too bad :/

#74654 Question about team

Posted by Baps on 30 June 2016 - 12:09 PM in General Server Support

Very no idea how i can do that ? If you have any solution please don't be afraid :P

#74589 Question about team

Posted by Baps on 28 June 2016 - 10:00 AM in General Server Support

Any idea ?

#74553 Question about team

Posted by Baps on 27 June 2016 - 09:54 AM in General Server Support

Hi there,


I 've a question, is this possible to create a new team system ?

I explain myself, I want to keep the basic system fo 12 players max for WoE but I want to have an other system like this but for 15 players for example. The team with 15 players max will be able to do Xp Team, Dungeon and Instance.

Is this possible or not ? I think it's possible but i need to touch the configuration and not just a script, right ?


Cheers mate !

#74288 Hercules on RaspberryPi 3

Posted by Baps on 16 June 2016 - 07:33 PM in General Discussion

Oh thank you for the informations ! 

If i use a RPi, it's just for me and some friends (for the moment :P). But if i want to open a server, i think after 30+ players i will change for a real server ;).


Thank you for the link too i'll check on this and maybe buy a RPi 3 ;). You convince me haha!

#74251 Hercules on RaspberryPi 3

Posted by Baps on 15 June 2016 - 03:17 PM in General Discussion

Hi ! Your install make me curious a lot because i want to try to install Hercules on a Raspberry Pi 3 ! And apparently you did it ! First, congrats and second, can you explain every step you did to install Hercules on this and if you saw some errors etc...


Thank you ;)

#69807 Problem with script_rid2sd: fatal error ! player not attached!

Posted by Baps on 11 February 2016 - 09:35 AM in Script Support

Okay thank you but i have still the error if I put callsub in a label OnAgitStart at the beginning of the NPC. Why ? It's the same thing than with OnInit ?

#69788 Problem with script_rid2sd: fatal error ! player not attached!

Posted by Baps on 10 February 2016 - 06:08 PM in Script Support

Ok thx Dastgir it works ! But can you explain to me what is the RID and why i had this error ?

I check and I put OnAgitStart on this script, the error comes back. Why ?

#69748 Problem with script_rid2sd: fatal error ! player not attached!

Posted by Baps on 09 February 2016 - 10:09 PM in Script Support



Thanks for the reply but apparently it didn't solved the problem ... :(

#69742 Problem with script_rid2sd: fatal error ! player not attached!

Posted by Baps on 09 February 2016 - 05:56 PM in Script Support

Hi everyone,

Sorry to ask some help but I haven't solution here... I try many possibilities but i can't find the mistake in this script... So if you can help me, I'll appreciat that !


On map-server.bat :

[Error]: script_rid2sd: fatal error ! player not attached!
[Debug]: Function: mes (1 parameter):
[Debug]: Data: string value="[Healer]"
[Debug]: Source (NPC): Healer#uni (invisible/not on a map)

What I want it's on normal days i have de callsub S_Healer and on WoE days, the callsub S_HealerWoE. But i try with OnAgitStart/End but I still have this problem. I read that is a problem with a RID but i don't very understand what it is. I search on the internet and on script_commands.txt but i don't understand everything.
So if you fix this problem, please explain to me where it comes from and what is exactly RID.

Best !


#66934 Question about episode

Posted by Baps on 05 December 2015 - 05:25 PM in General Server Support



Tbh, client doesn't matter, unless you really want to give old look, new clients with old mechanics works fine too.

Okay and how can i put old mechanics in a new client ?

Sorry about those questions :(
Using a old ragexe/sakexe, if you use a ragexe From 2012 is suficient, but if you want more acurrate you can see the release date of the episode and take a hexed with same or close date. Maybe some old lua files or xray txt files will be needed.


I already check the release, if i don't do a mistack it was the 20th April 2007. But it's very old and i don't know if it's the good date.


I have a request if it's not to much ... Can i have some URL for the guide i will need to create server + client for this episode or the basics ? I find some guide in this forum but i don't how to proceed exactly :(.

I found those links :


Client : 

http://herc.ws/board...t-for-hercules/ for Ragexe

http://herc.ws/board...ate-2013-08-07/ for Diff (What is Diff patcher btw ?)

http://herc.ws/board...client-patcher/ for NEMO

http://herc.ws/board...setup-hercules/ for the server

#66914 Question about episode

Posted by Baps on 05 December 2015 - 11:33 AM in General Server Support


Tbh, client doesn't matter, unless you really want to give old look, new clients with old mechanics works fine too.

Okay and how can i put old mechanics in a new client ?

Sorry about those questions :(
Using a old ragexe/sakexe, if you use a ragexe From 2012 is suficient, but if you want more acurrate you can see the release date of the episode and take a hexed with same or close date. Maybe some old lua files or xray txt files will be needed.


I already check the release, if i don't do a mistack it was the 20th April 2007. But it's very old and i don't know if it's the good date.


I have a request if it's not to much ... Can i have some URL for the guide i will need to create server + client for this episode or the basics ? I find some guide in this forum but i don't how to proceed exactly :(.

I found those links :


Client : 

http://herc.ws/board...t-for-hercules/ for Ragexe

http://herc.ws/board...ate-2013-08-07/ for Diff (What is Diff patcher btw ?)

http://herc.ws/board...client-patcher/ for NEMO

#66911 Question about episode

Posted by Baps on 05 December 2015 - 10:54 AM in General Server Support

Tbh, client doesn't matter, unless you really want to give old look, new clients with old mechanics works fine too.


Okay and how can i put old mechanics in a new client ?


Sorry about those questions :(

#66904 Question about episode

Posted by Baps on 05 December 2015 - 09:11 AM in General Server Support

You can always use a fully updated kRO and just use the content that 11.1 had.

For server files, you will have to manually change everything to 11.1 (Manually delete all NPC Scripts/Mobs/Warps).

Only then, you will have a full 11.1 server.

Also for client features, download a client around the time of 11.1 and diff it to your own preferences.


Thank you for your answer Aeromesi, that's what i'm thinking about to replace every NPC/Map etc... It will be very long. And I think than take a old svn will be dangerous about security etc... right ?


For the client features, where can i find a old client in 11.1 ? In this Website : http://svn.games-service.net/ ?

And when you say "diff it to your own preferences", what do you mean ? =)

#66870 Question about episode

Posted by Baps on 04 December 2015 - 08:55 PM in General Server Support

Hi everybody,


I want to make a server with a friend and we want to stop at the episode 11.1 with Rachel City. Can we do this with Hercules ? If yes, how can we do that ? 


Thank you by advance ;)





We think we need to take a Client and put a Ragexe or Sakexe in our case.  We have right or not ? We continu to search on the forum to have more information ;).

I don't know if it's on the good section, if it's not, sorry about my mistack :(