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There have been 13 items by AkQ (Search limited from 09-July 23)

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#77826 [Hosting Sever] Recommendation?...

Posted by AkQ on 02 November 2016 - 02:35 AM in General Server Support

Check this:

I'm 100% certain those VPS' can handle 200 players without any trouble.

#77304 [Guide] Create your server & Client (2016/08)

Posted by AkQ on 11 October 2016 - 04:05 PM in General Server Support

This should be sticky, and add to the topic title: "Debian/Ubuntu"

#77123 [Guide] Create your server & Client (2016/08)

Posted by AkQ on 06 October 2016 - 03:18 PM in General Server Support

Imo, people who doesn't know basic, or at least, cannot even do basic search, should not open a server. But right, next guide will have a section "to go further" explaining security and other :)

I could not agree more. But your guide makes it possible to host server without almost any knowledge at all. At that point, "should" and "should not" -things don't really matter.

If you need help with next guide, i'm up. I was actually thinking to make a Debian guide myself, with exception of using two servers, one for emulator and one for web-server. But i never seem to have time to do it.

#77119 [Guide] Create your server & Client (2016/08)

Posted by AkQ on 06 October 2016 - 01:51 PM in General Server Support

Great guide!


But do you think that new-to-linux-world should be installing insecure server like this?
Meaning, anyone who needs this guide is probably unaware of security things. I know that it's not really part of the guide, but it really should be mentioned for the sake of all the new servers who are insecure :S
At least give a link to things to do first for a brand new Debian server before starting to follow the guide.
Anyway, great guide! :)

#75461 HAT - The Hercules Admin Tool!

Posted by AkQ on 30 July 2016 - 04:41 AM in Projects



#73411 Heal Npc

Posted by AkQ on 16 May 2016 - 07:34 AM in Script Requests

i am interested to this as well

#73396 Trusted RO Hosting!

Posted by AkQ on 15 May 2016 - 03:40 PM in General Server Support

Stay away from "ready RO-servers" by any means.
Any unmanaged VPS is much better (and cheaper) option. Set up your own linux or windows server, configure your own emulator. Don't fall into tricks.


Remember: SSD is better for Database-queries, but it is not mandatory

Also: herc/ea/ra, they all use only one single core of CPU, so any more than that is waste of money and resources.

Space of hdd/ssd is also not to be conserned. Server for thousands can be fit less than 10GB, easy.
RAM is the same, you dont need gigabytes of it.
Personally, i recommend OVH Cloud VPS
But any VPS in 2016 are capable to run a relatively big server of 1000 players without problems, and they are still MUCH cheaper than those "ready to go" -servers.

#69123 HAT - The Hercules Admin Tool!

Posted by AkQ on 23 January 2016 - 04:17 AM in Projects

Is there a stable release?

#68363 HAT - The Hercules Admin Tool!

Posted by AkQ on 04 January 2016 - 02:26 AM in Projects

Is this still alive? It seems amazing!

#68333 [problem] Client can't connect to the server - The server does not notice...

Posted by AkQ on 03 January 2016 - 04:46 AM in Client-Side Support

Problem is solved by help from Hercules IRC-channel.

I had wrong IP's in char-, map- and login-servers. *All* the ip's, server_ip: and bind_ip: was supposed to be WAN and not
Because i had in bind_ip: - the server did not listen connections from anywhere else..

Now everything seems to be working as intended.

This is amazing community! :) So much help for noob like me.

#68301 [problem] Client can't connect to the server - The server does not notice...

Posted by AkQ on 02 January 2016 - 05:50 PM in Client-Side Support

Got my server up & running yesterday after thousand failures. MySQL configured correctly, servers are connected to each other and "Server is 'ready' "

Diffing the client is pain in the ass. Why can't there just be one basic client for every server, just change the connection info and GO! And if the server owner wants some fancy stuff other than basic, then figure it out with the stuff that are now released. I just would want to see if the client and the server works..

Anyways, i've tried several different ragexe, and ofc i changed the packetver in mm.h but it just hasn't helped.

After many other problems, the problem that i got stuck currently, is following:
I open the client, i write in ID and password and i press "Login" - it waits a while and ends up in this:
Posted Image

Any help, advice or tip would be awesome !

#68300 I need Help for make ragnarok online.... i have vps host debian

Posted by AkQ on 02 January 2016 - 04:48 PM in General Server Support

You can start by this:
http://herc.ws/board...=+debian +guide

and this:



For the client:

#68262 Compile error

Posted by AkQ on 01 January 2016 - 04:56 PM in General Server Support

Heya - i've been trying to install Hercules to my Debian VPS (DigitalOcean) but i've yet to succeed. I'm quite new to Linux-world, but i have been able to set up the server, apache, mysql, php, mumble-server and wordpress (woohoo.. )

Got error in ./config at first, but it was related to mysql, which i fixed with [font="'courier new', courier, monospace;"]apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev[/font] and [font="'courier new', courier, monospace;"]apt-get install libssl-dev [font="arial, helvetica, sans-serif;"]- i'm not sure which one actually fixed the problem.. but it worked.

After that, i got error in compiler, which indicated that i missed C for compiling anything.
After installing that, i managed to start the compile but it resulted in the error at hand.

Here is the command shell log:


I tried to google the shit out from that error but i could not find anything that would have helped me :(
So i post it here, hoping that i can get this error solved and server up & running.


This problem was fixed with
[font="'courier new', courier, monospace;"]apt-get install libpcre3 libpcre3-dev[/font]

[font="arial, helvetica, sans-serif;"]and then[/font]
[font="'courier new', courier, monospace;"]./configure
make clean
make sql[/font]

No errors.
Thanks to Ema for the help, on IRC, #Hercules@Rizon