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#70951 Project Bare Bones Hercules Ep1. Disabling every NPC server-wide.

Posted by grobyczen on 15 March 2016 - 09:38 PM in General Server Support

Hi everyone,


I have a little project in hands, a LAN server to play with a few friends. But I want to change the RO experience and make it more like a traditional RPG, with less of the "MMO" experience. I have basic scripting and spritting skills, a mean storytelling vein, and working knowledge of item customization server and client side, enough to build a nice experience for me and my friends.


However I'm no expert in the Hercules platform, but I recognize it's potential as a canvas for great gaming experiences. That's why I'm gonna be asking this great community for guidance.


My first questions are:


1. SERVER SIDE: ¿How can I disable every NPC (kafras, stores, quest givers, etc...) from the server?


2. SERVER SIDE: ¿How can I disable every monster spawn from the server?


3. SERVER SIDE: ¿How can I disable every map except prontera?


As you can imagine, what I want is to start building the game story from zero. My first step is for the server to just load an empty prontera map.


That would be all for now. Thanks in advance for your time.