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There have been 8 items by utofaery (Search limited from 09-July 23)

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#68677 Mob DB file structure overhaul

Posted by utofaery on 15 January 2016 - 07:42 AM in Repository News

1.  Thank you all for this changes happened
     And hoping for skilldb change too
2.  Was hoping there be skill_avail_db and configurable skill src from
     that file too without compiling

#62064 Increase max Item Id

Posted by utofaery on 25 August 2015 - 10:11 AM in Suggestions

My  Last Trial  has proven not so.


item is ignore or not readable by server.


Has it be done?

#55972 H>Run Atcommand through npc script in commandprompt

Posted by utofaery on 03 May 2015 - 02:47 AM in Script Requests

As topic says

 Need help run 

      gm use @reloadscript

From NPC script in mapserver's commandprompt window


is this be do able?


#55845 H>atcommand from npc

Posted by utofaery on 01 May 2015 - 12:05 AM in Script Support

I need help on an npc I am trying to make.

It runs atcommand @reloadscript when I whisper to it,

but it never did reloadscript at all,

anyone can help me?

#55833 Skill clone by plugin system?

Posted by utofaery on 30 April 2015 - 07:27 PM in Plugin Requests

I was reading somewhere in the forum about how hercules be made to fully configurable.
Then I thought why isn't skill be made clonable too?

Would there be any chance for this to happen?

#55444 H>query_sql prev_class homunculus

Posted by utofaery on 23 April 2015 - 02:59 PM in Script Support

Was having trouble to create the line to read prev_class example


player 1 has evolved homunculus 6009

and i want to make that npc script read from sql

it evolve from 6001 so how should I struct my script?


query_sql  ( select prev_class from homunculus )

and has a check of the player 1's char_id if it is triggered by player 1

#51575 Atcommand in item

Posted by utofaery on 24 February 2015 - 04:42 PM in Database Support

Is there any stuff I can do to make it not kick me out when reloadingscript by items?

atcommand "@reloadscript";

It functions like @mapexit in hercules.  
What I mean is it did not act this way before in eA.

Anyone can help me out in this?

#51411 Atcommand in item

Posted by utofaery on 23 February 2015 - 04:59 AM in Database Support

I was moving from eathena 13786 to hercules master revision downloaded as zip.


So here's the thing, a line like this work before in itemdb 


atcommand "@reloadscript "+strcharinfo(0)+"";


but cease to work now please help me to fix it