Issue Information
0 - None Assigned
Issue Confirmations
Yes (0)No (0)
#0 0x080b3ece in battle_calc_damage (src=0xcfb0660, bl=0xb3f42044,
d=0xbfffee70, damage=199, skill_id=89, skill_lv=1) at battle.c:2697
sd = 0x0
sc = 0xb3f42360
tsc = 0xcfb0990
sce = <value optimized out>
div_ = 1
flag = 322
__FUNCTION__ = "battle_calc_damage"
#1 0x080a847b in battle_calc_magic_attack (src=0xcfb0660, target=0xb3f42044,
skill_id=89, skill_lv=1, mflag=0) at battle.c:3604
i = <value optimized out>
nk = 0
s_ele = 1
skillratio = <value optimized out>
sd = 0xcfb0660
sc = 0xcfb0990
ad = {damage = 199, damage2 = 0, type = 0, div_ = 1, amotion = 0,
dmotion = 360, blewcount = 2, flag = 322, dmg_lv = ATK_DEF}
sstatus = 0xcfb0930
tstatus = 0xb3f42300
flag = {imdef = 0, infdef = 0}
__FUNCTION__ = "battle_calc_magic_attack"
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---bt full
#2 0x0809b42e in battle_calc_attack (attack_type=2, bl=0xcfb0660,
target=0xb3f42044, skill_id=89, skill_lv=1, count=0) at battle.c:5304
d = {damage = -4611702957778403327, damage2 = -5559112510518956805,
type = 17, div_ = 201, amotion = 217777760, dmotion = 33,
blewcount = 2, flag = 89, dmg_lv = 217778480}
#3 0x081ead7a in skill_attack (attack_type=2, src=0xcfb0660, dsrc=0xb343133c,
bl=0xb3f42044, skill_id=89, skill_lv=1, tick=427207738, flag=0)
at skill.c:2160
dmg = <value optimized out>
sstatus = 0xcfb0930
tstatus = 0xb3f42300
sc = 0xb3f42360
sd = 0xcfb0660
tsd = 0x0
type = <value optimized out>
damage = <value optimized out>
rmdamage = false
additional_effects = true
shadow_flag = false
__FUNCTION__ = "skill_attack"
#4 0x081dbb0c in skill_unit_onplace_timer (src=0xb343133c, bl=0xb3f42044,
tick=427207738) at skill.c:11701
sg = <value optimized out>
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
ss = 0xcfb0660
tsd = 0x81eab30
tstatus = 0x1
tsc = 0xb3f42360
ssc = 0xcfb0990
ts = 0xb3f421cc
type = SC_FREEZE
skill_id = 89
diff = 0
__FUNCTION__ = "skill_unit_onplace_timer"
#5 0x081d2c1a in skill_unit_timer_sub_onplace (bl=0xb3f42044,
ap=0xbffff22c "\306\352\020\b") at skill.c:15908
su = 0xb343133c
group = 0xb45de908
tick = 427207738
__FUNCTION__ = "skill_unit_timer_sub_onplace"
#6 0x08135b56 in bl_vforeach (func=0x81d2b80 <skill_unit_timer_sub_onplace>,
blockcount=0, max=2147483647, args=0xbffff220 "<\023C\263:\254v\031")
at map.c:477
argscopy = 0xbffff220 "<\023C\263:\254v\031"
i = 0
returnCount = <value optimized out>
#7 0x08140ea4 in map_foreachinshootrange (
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
func=0x81d2b80 <skill_unit_timer_sub_onplace>, center=0xb343133c, range=5,
type=539) at map.c:863
returnCount = 144648300
ap = 0xbffff220 "<\023C\263:\254v\031"
#8 0x081d2663 in skill_unit_timer_sub (key=..., data=0x9761fa0,
ap=0xbffff330 "") at skill.c:16111
su = 0xb343133c
group = 0xb45de908
tick = 427207738
dissonance = false
bl = 0xb343133c
__FUNCTION__ = "skill_unit_timer_sub"
#9 0x0824f772 in db_obj_vforeach (self=0x8723ee8,
func=0x81d2330 <skill_unit_timer_sub>, args=0xbffff328 ":\254v\031")
at db.c:2035
argscopy = 0xbffff328 ":\254v\031"
db = 0x8723ee8
i = <value optimized out>
sum = 0
node = 0x9761f8c
parent = <value optimized out>
#10 0x0824e9c3 in db_obj_foreach (self=0x8723ee8,
func=0x81d2330 <skill_unit_timer_sub>) at db.c:2081
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
args = 0xbffff328 ":\254v\031"
#11 0x081c9dae in skill_unit_timer (tid=9, tick=427207738, id=0, data=0)
at skill.c:16137
No locals.
#12 0x0825ff06 in do_timer (tick=427207749) at timer.c:393
tid = 9
diff = -11
__FUNCTION__ = "do_timer"
#13 0x08255d3c in main (argc=1, argv=0xbffff4c4) at core.c:256
next = <value optimized out>

if (sce->val1 <= 5)and can you play around with the skill autoguard and to check what trigger the crash..
Thank you..