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MVP Rude attack modified?

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#1 malbari911



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Posted 13 December 2015 - 01:08 AM

A few months / years ago, MVPs used to teleport after a rude attack.

However in the new versions of Hercules/rAthena, they dont seem to teleport like before.


For example, If you Asura the MVP and it kills you at the same time, it was counted as a rude attack, and made the monster TP

Now, if you do the same thing, the MVP doesn't teleport.


I know the rude attack settiongs still work, because I attacked an MVP using GM hide and it teleported exactly after 2 hits, just as predicted.


Yet, something has changed. Its not the same setting as before. Does a suicide attack not count as a rude attack anymore?


Has anyone else noticed this? Or is there any way I can change this back to the earlier setting?

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