i can't use mine as an example because my defense scaling formula is changed to suit the needs of my server(and i use a 2014 build). it has nothing to do with the original game and will only confuse you.
the only other solution i can offer is going to your hercules/pre-re/item_db(or re/item_db if you're running renewal) and seeing if you can find the following under thanatos card and ice pick:
if that's there, try reloading your item database and see if it gives you any errors. it's possible that the bonus type itself is named incorrectly for some reason(this could be because you're using an item_db from a different emulator or because it was recently changed and you chose to use an old one) and that's why it's not working.
bonus bDefRatioAtkRace,RC_Boss;
bonus bDefRatioAtkRace,RC_NonBoss;
what i'm trying to say is that bDefRatioAtkRace might not even be a valid item bonus(or whatever you have instead of it) in your specific setup anymore. it might be called something else entirely. but if it is named like that and you get no errors, there's obviously a bug in flagging the effect itself. defense scale flag is set to be 2 in the battle calculations(from what my build says, at least), check pc.c first:
if that's in place too, then it's impossible for me to guess and i would have to read into it myself.
Edited by Blinzer, 12 December 2016 - 09:22 PM.