Little Backstory
A Couple of months ago I joined a server that has been online for over 10 years (it still uses ea, yes it sucks because it really limits what we can do in scripting & content but we can upgrade later...)
Right now our biggest issue is that we are getting DDOS constantly on WoE Hours and our current host just null routes us, so we are loosing users, having this awkward "downtime" and since we are a "small-ish" server (80-100 people on peak/woe hours) we dont need (and cant afford on the longterm) a big dedicated server, Ive been looking around here, and on RMS and rA forums and a lot of people seem to recommend OVH VPS as a cheap alternative with DDOS protection
Some Info
Most of the users are from Mexico, so any US-based host is fine
We currently pay $45~ for our current host (Ramnode)
We would like to keep it under $50
So any recommendations will be taken, and if you use OVH I would like to hear pros and cons
Edited by Pepe The Frog, 10 March 2017 - 03:53 AM.