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Hercules Upgrade Tool.

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#1 bleachftl



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Posted 16 September 2014 - 11:35 AM


   Currently I'm having problems like updating GIT via pull. as I have less knowledge about using GITHUB and how it works. but actually its pain to update Hercules GIT.

I am posting this as suggestion and might be implemented.


so what it might want do.


1. Read DB and other configuration files that are required.

2. Commit local git and pull latest git from github.

3. automatically execute sql update files if needed.( Lazy enough and can't update 1 by 1. :X)

4. reset permission as required for compiling and executing Hercules server.

5. Addition if possible. its save configure parameter and recompile it. (like --version --disable-renewal something like that. )

6. And can save this setting in file which we can import if we need to transfer server or creating new.



and more suggestion from community if anyone interested in this kind of stuff.


What I want to get by this. just one script and your server is updated and complied. just need to start ./Athena-start :P




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