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#1 skipjack94



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Posted 03 January 2015 - 04:36 PM

Hey i have script


but in this script, default use SZeny, i want set SZeny set to 10
and Zeny set to 100.000.000


prontera,144,167,5	script	Donasi 2 Quest	978,{doevent "Shop16::OnShop";end;}-	shop	quest_shop16	-1,501:50-	script	Shop16	-1,{OnShop:	set @i,0;	callshop "quest_shop16",1;	npcshopattach "quest_shop16";	end;OnBuyItem:	if(.BuildQuest) {		for(set .e,0; !compare(getarg(.e+1),"Zeny"); set .e,.e+2) {}		npcshopadditem "quest_shop16",getarg(.e+2),0;		setarray .Shop[.i],getarg(.e+2);		set .i,.i+1;		goto Quest_Setup;	}	if(.Shop[@i]!=@bought_nameid) for(set @i,1; 1; set @i,@i+1) if(.Shop[@i]==@bought_nameid) { set .i,@i; callsub Quest_Setup; }	for(set @i,1; !@e; set @i,@i+1) if(.Shop[@i]==@bought_nameid) { set @e,1; set .i,@i; callsub Quest_Setup; }	mes "[Quest Npc]";	mes "I require the following:";	for(set @i,0; !compare(getarg(@i+1),"Zeny"); set @i,@i+2) mes "^FF0000" + ((countitem(getarg(@i))>=getarg(@i+1))? "^00FF00":"") + "" + getarg(@i+1) + " " + getitemname(getarg(@i)) + " [" + countitem(getarg(@i)) + "/" + getarg(@i+1) + "]";	if(getarg(@i)) mes "^FF0000" + ((Zeny>=getarg(@i))? "^00FF00":"") + "" + getarg(@i) + " Zeny";	mes "^000000In exchange, I will give you:^0000FF";	for(set @i,@i+2; getarg(@i); set @i,@i+2) mes getarg(@i+1) + " " + getitemname(getarg(@i));	switch(select("Exchange:" + (((((getiteminfo(@bought_nameid,5) & 1) || (getiteminfo(@bought_nameid,5) & 256) || (getiteminfo(@bought_nameid,5) & 512)) && @equip==0))? "Preview Item":"") + ":No thanks")) {		case 1:			for(set @i,0; !compare(getarg(@i+1),"Zeny"); set @i,@i+2) if(countitem(getarg(@i)) < getarg(@i+1)) {				next;				mes "You have " + countitem(getarg(@i)) + " " + getitemname(getarg(@i)) + ", while I require " + getarg(@i+1) + ".";				mes "Please obtain ^FF0000" + (getarg(@i+1)-countitem(getarg(@i))) + " more " + getitemname(getarg(@i)) + "^000000.";				close;			}			if(Zeny<getarg(@i)) {				next;				mes "You do not have enough Zeny.";				mes "Please obtain ^FF0000" + (getarg(@i)-Zeny) + " more Zeny^000000.";				close;			}			for(set @i,0; !compare(getarg(@i+1),"Zeny"); set @i,@i+2) delitem getarg(@i),getarg(@i+1);			set Zeny,Zeny-getarg(@i);			for(set @i,@i+2; getarg(@i); set @i,@i+2) getitem getarg(@i),getarg(@i+1);			close;		case 2:			set @bottomview, getlook(3);			set @topview, getlook(4);			set @midview, getlook(5);			addtimer 1000, strnpcinfo(3)+"::On_Leave";			set @equip,getiteminfo(@bought_nameid, 5);			set @view, getiteminfo(@bought_nameid, 11);			if(@equip != -1 && @view > 0) {				if(@equip & 1) atcommand "@changelook 3 " + @view;				if(@equip & 256) atcommand "@changelook 1 " + @view;				if(@equip & 512) atcommand "@changelook 2 " + @view;			}			next;			goto OnBuyItem;		case 3:			close;	}On_Leave:	atcommand "@changelook 1 " + @topview;	atcommand "@changelook 2 " + @midview;	atcommand "@changelook 3 " + @bottomview;	set @equip,0;	set @view,0;	set @topview,0;	set @midview,0;	set @bottomview,0;	end;OnInit:	npcshopitem "quest_shop16",0,0;	set .BuildQuest,1;	set .i,1;Quest_Setup:	switch(.i) {		default: set .BuildQuest,0; set .e,0; set .i,0; end;				case 1: callsub OnBuyItem,5254,5,1039,1000,2255,20,7539,750,550000000,"SZeny",22030,1,0;				case 2: callsub OnBuyItem,741,5,4001,15,4033,15,5035,1,7539,750,250000000,"SZeny",22083,1,0;				case 3: callsub OnBuyItem,948,1000,4340,10,4074,10,4216,10,4123,2,7539,750,200000000,"SZeny",22058,1,0;				case 4: callsub OnBuyItem,4227,20,949,100,509,100,982,3,7539,750,200000000,"SZeny",22086,1,0;				case 5: callsub OnBuyItem,5151,2,982,1,980,1,7539,750,50000000,"SZeny",21178,1,0;				case 6: callsub OnBuyItem,4183,5,4082,5,4029,5,4023,5,920,100,7539,750,150000000,"SZeny",22110,1,0;	}}

Can someone tell me where i must add it 

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