About half a year ago, ElariaRO closed the gates.
Since then, I have been asked serveral times to reopen or even sell the Server files to certain people.
I am glad to see such interest in our lovely server.
It is with much joy that I can announce ElariaRO shall be rising from the ashes, as a phoenix soaring with renewed life.
As such, we are currently looking for some talented, experienced and professional individuals to come join our team.
On our first release we hit #3 on the LR ranking, which is an outstanding achievement.
With dedication, effort and your awesome support as always, we will aim even higher this time around!
Our old promotion video, rates will NOT match with the new version of ElariaRO.

For those who already know ElariaRO, make sure to read this RAQ Spoiler to see some things that will change or not.
Other than that I can give out this information for now:
Rates: 3x3x3x // MvP cards 1x // EXP-Rate change at a certain Level, read more in RAQ Spoiler
Rates: 3x3x3x // MvP cards 1x // EXP-Rate change at a certain Level, read more in RAQ Spoiler
Emulator: Hercules
Homunculus loyalty rate: 3x
Pet loyalty rate: 3x
Multi level Up: Yes
Death Penalty Base/Job: 1%
Repeatable Quests: No, but enough daily quests and storyline quests
Repeatable Quests: No, but enough daily quests and storyline quests

We can offer you a great feeling within the team such as paid work if you don't want to work on something for free.
We prefer free workers tho. ElariaRO is not going to focus on donation money and accordingly to that not having an overload of money.
We prefer free workers tho. ElariaRO is not going to focus on donation money and accordingly to that not having an overload of money.

Developer [2/2]
- Good knowledge when it comes to hercules emulator
- Being able to find & solve bugs/problems
- Good knowledge when it comes to scripting, coding/source/client
- Being able to do a maintenance once a week
Scripter [1/2]
- Good knowledge when it comes to script language
- Being able to set up storyline based scripts or small games
- Good knowledge when it comes to fixing scripts
- Being able to improve and create something new
Support & Enforcement [4/4]
- Good knowledge when it comes to fair player support
- Being able to talk before acting
- Good knowledge when it comes to giving out right punishments
- Being able to log into the game serveral times during the week
Event Game Master [2/4]
- Good knowledge when it comes to planning events
- Being able fire out reasonable prices
- Good knowledge when it comes to executing events
- Being able to log into the game serveral times during the week
Forum Moderator [4/4]
- Good knowledge when it comes to moderating a forum
- Being able to set up rules
- Good knowledge when it comes to give out punishments
- Being able to warn before punishing
Advertiser [2/2]
- Good knowledge when it comes to showcasing our server
- Being able to answer questions about the server
Every position also contains having the following
- Good knowledge when it comes to english language
- Being able to speak another language would be recommented but not needed
If you were able to read until here and you are still interested in ElariaRO's project then fill out the following application sample and write me a message.
Application Sample
Previous Projects:
Other Information:
You are free to send me an application on skype: aurelaelariaro
Edited by ElariaRO, 10 June 2015 - 04:58 PM.