Issue Information
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Working as Intended
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When you leave/get kicked from a party, you can still see party members' (old) hp bars, and they can see yours.
Aegis doesn't seem to care about this...
Possible solutions
- find a packet that clears the hp bars
- try some invalid hp bar update value (0, -1 ?)
quotes from original bug report
Aegis does the same thing - when you leave a party, both sides' hp bars stay as they were until you leave the screen. It's really misleading, for example when you're a priest and a party member leaves but sticks around, you see him with full hp when he could very well be in the red...
If only they could be removed!
You could then have a HP bar system for mobs and everything else, and have the bars disappear after some time if the mob has not received damage (to prevent the screen from being littered with hp bars).
As far as I know the HP bar will just stay there forever until the object goes out of view. Maybe if you sent a hide + unhide packet? Considering that in Aegis the only times when the bar vanishes is when the characters go out of sight, or they go into hiding/cloaking, I am guessing they may have never seen a need to actually add a way to have the server tell them to hide the hp bar.
So if you want to do this, you must most likely use some kind of hack :B