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Bug Tracker Migration

June 3rd
Good news everyone! The staff has decided that it is time to slowly kill off this Bug Tracker. We will begin the process of slowly migrating from this Bug Tracker over to our Github Issues which can be found here: https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/issues

Over the next couple of days, I will be closing off any opportunity to create new reports. However, I still will keep the opportunity to reply to existing Bug Reports. Doing this will allow us to slowly fix any bug reports we have listed here so that we can easily migrate over to our Issue Tracker.

Update - June 7th 2015: Creating new bug posts has been disabled. Please use our https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/issues tracker to post bugs. Users are still able to reply to existing bug posts.

- Administration

Issue Information

  • #004832

  • 0 - None Assigned

  • Fixed

Issue Confirmations

  • Yes (0)No (0)

Hunter HT_ANKLESNARE serious bug

Posted by Hercules Bot on 23 March 2011 - 02:17 PM

Originally posted by Feanorko

During WoE in castle on aegis when a character clicked on a cell, it moves to this cell despite traps and will not stop until reaches it. The trap begins to act as soon as he walked up to.
On eathena character stops moving immediately after the first trap.

It makes defing castle VERY easily.

This post has been edited by Feanorko: Mar 23 2011, 07:17 AM

Originally posted by Ind
I'd like confirmation / source. thanks!

Originally posted by Gepard
I've tested it with Wildcard today, and it looks like the report is valid. If target is not a subject to knockback (tests conducted with boss-protocol monster) it does not "snap" into the trap, but moves to the last targetted cell and stops there. If there are multiple traps in the path, all of them are triggered.

I'll commit the fix soon.

Originally posted by MarkZD
Something like that should happen to Vacuum Extreme from Sorcerer too.

- In WoE targets can move past a Vacuum and are only subject to it's effect if they come to a stop in Vacuum AoE.

- In WoE the skill duration begins when the target steps into the AoE. As the target continues to move to their destination cell the duration timer decreases. With a long or slow enough movement the duration may end before or as they reach their original destination, allowing them to continue moving.

I don't know if it's working to VE, but it could be checked too.

Edited by MarkZD, 25 March 2012 - 08:44 PM.

changed status to: Fixed

moved issue from Skills

If I understand well this should only work on woe but the problem is that is also work everywhere. In PVM and PVP it's do the effect but it shouldn't.

Tested on last revision -> 2eb3e450d53a450d2493fae0ede3632802de6dd6

Hope you will fix this quick =)

I need confirmation on that oo

The guy who report only talk about woe but hercule put this effect every where

Ops. right, I misread. Thank you, will update it

Always bug.
In gvg you can continue to move, it will never stop you. In official it will stop when you have finish to go where you click.

bump not working as instead in woe...

changed status to: Started

changed status to: Fixed

Can't access to the fix...

aww.....github fail to upload my commit...but my github client says it committed...wait I re-do the commit...


moved issue from Archer Classes