Issue Information
0 - None Assigned
Issue Confirmations
Yes (1)No (0)
set .@ep13_search_control,checkquest(3091,PLAYTIME);
no timeout3091,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"Report to the continent - Location of reports"
never occur, must be || instead of &&else if ((.@ep13_search_lotto == 1) && (.@ep13_search_lotto == 6)) {
3135 quest in both stringsset .@ins_nyd_check,checkquest(3135,PLAYTIME); // 3 Day cooldown
set .@ins_nyd_check2,checkquest(3135,PLAYTIME); // 4 Hour play limit
4.script Research Official#ep131::OnMyMobDead
sometimes or always not triggered, result in mob death don't cause enabling npc, need to wait 5 minutes.
May be mob kill can't trigger event from disabled npc ?
I didn't found any way to get a value of 203 for variable ins_nyd.else if (ins_nyd == 203) {
set ins_nyd,121;
mjolnir_01,32,309,3 script #mj01_01 111,7,7,{
One of them must be at 217,34.mjolnir_01,32,309,3 script #mj01_02 111,7,7,{
never occur, must be || instead of &&else if ((ep13_2_tre1 == 1) && (ep13_2_tre1 == 2)) {
Also, if you got attacked while in progress bar in "Midgard Ore" quest, you will be unable to do anything until log off.
Fixed in [rev=15123], except for 1, 4, 5.
no timeout3091,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"Report to the continent - Location of reports"
Needs more info -- anyone know what the timeout is supposed to be?
4. script Research Official#ep131::OnMyMobDeadsometimes or always not triggered, result in mob death don't cause enabling npc, need to wait 5 minutes.May be mob kill can't trigger event from disabled npc ?
5.I didn't found any way to get a value of 203 for variable ins_nyd.else if (ins_nyd == 203) {.... set ins_nyd,121;
timeout is 1800.
quest { quest_info (3091, "ËÃÃù´ó½µÄ±¨¸æÊé - ±¨¸æÊéµÄÃÃ×ù") time(1800) }
I decided to check all the timeouts and these are the that doesn't have the timeout added yet:
quest { quest_info (3220, "·é³ÂªÃ€ÃŒÃ†Â® ÀüÃ÷ - ½ÃƒÃ‡Ã¨ ´ë±â½ÃƒÂ°Â£") time(600) } quest { quest_info (7104, "Ư¼Ã¶Ã€Ã“¹Â«") time(3000) } quest { quest_info (7105, "Ư¼Ã¶Ã€Ã“¹Â«") time(600) } quest { quest_info (7107, "Ư¼Ã¶Ã€Ã“¹Â«") time(10800) } quest { quest_info (7110, "Ư¼Ã¶Ã€Ã“¹Â«") time(600) hunt("HIDEN_PRIEST", 1) } quest { quest_info (8265, "Çٽǵ庸»ÓÀ̺¥Æ®") time(3600) } quest { quest_info (10087, "ÌÓ±üÃöʵ£¬âõÃò¸ü¹ÃƒÃ€Â«ÂµÃ„ÊÀ½Ã‡") time(86400) } quest { quest_info (11104, "ÃÃâʱ¼Ã„") time(82800) } quest { quest_info (11113, "·¹Ã€ÃŒÂ´ÃµÂ¸ÂµÃ€ÃŒ ´Ù½Ãƒ ÀÛµ¿Çò ¶§±îÃö") time(82800) } quest { quest_info (12058,"î޾¡ö®ë޳öèëÃÞöÆ") time(604800) } quest { quest_info (12061,"¼Â¯Ã¶Ã¾Â«Ã©Ã±") time(10) } quest { quest_info (12070,"ÃÞöƵijöèëʱ¼Ã„") time(14400) }
The file that I got the info is from 2010, I don't know if you have newer files so you can check this with more accuracy.
Fixed in [rev=16161] .