Issue Information
2 - Fair
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Originally posted by Ind
While performing tests for [bug=3230] I found out taekwon mission still picks "unavailable" (no spawn-point) mobs (for example it said evil druid but instead of 1117 it wanted 1435 one)
While performing tests for [bug=3230] I found out taekwon mission still picks "unavailable" (no spawn-point) mobs (for example it said evil druid but instead of 1117 it wanted 1435 one)
Originally posted by Ind
Actually 1435 spawns, but on a quest map (que_sign02). not sure what we could do about it
Actually 1435 spawns, but on a quest map (que_sign02). not sure what we could do about it
Originally posted by Ind
I'm failing at finding a pattern on these mobs, What if we added a tk_mission db for all mobs that actually can be reached normally? anyone know how aegis does this?
I'm failing at finding a pattern on these mobs, What if we added a tk_mission db for all mobs that actually can be reached normally? anyone know how aegis does this?
Originally posted by Ind
Fixed in [rev=15315]
Fixed in [rev=15315]