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Bug Tracker Migration

June 3rd
Good news everyone! The staff has decided that it is time to slowly kill off this Bug Tracker. We will begin the process of slowly migrating from this Bug Tracker over to our Github Issues which can be found here: https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/issues

Over the next couple of days, I will be closing off any opportunity to create new reports. However, I still will keep the opportunity to reply to existing Bug Reports. Doing this will allow us to slowly fix any bug reports we have listed here so that we can easily migrate over to our Issue Tracker.

Update - June 7th 2015: Creating new bug posts has been disabled. Please use our https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/issues tracker to post bugs. Users are still able to reply to existing bug posts.

- Administration

Issue Information

  • #005619

  • 0 - None Assigned

  • Fixed

Issue Confirmations

  • Yes (4)No (0)

Sura skill bugs

Posted by Hercules Bot on 24 April 2012 - 01:55 PM

Originally posted by darkness20
1. I just found this bug wherein in when in rising dragon state not all sphere where consumed after asura strike.
2. dangerous collect soul has a 2 second after cast delay. In official server it has no after cast delay
3. Body relocation has also an after cast delay of 2 sec before you can relocate again.

Hopefully it will be fixed soon ^^

Originally posted by adan-01
hey.. about the spheres.. it's ok.. asura will consume the 15 spheres.. you can check iRO compilation..
about the other 2 I have no answer.. but.. I will report more bugs I've found

Skill Fallen Empire, is not working properly, it's really bugged..
It won't chain with dragon combo as it should be
once is activated, you can cast fallen empire over and over and over..
It wont chain with Tiget cannon or Gate of hell, when you use it, the 2 skills are not chainable, they're still casted (forgive my english, is not my main language) and this is really important, since players use this combo a lot..

Skill Gentle Touch - Convert (change) is not working properly, the skill should add ASPD and it's not adding (I had this fixed in my old svn, so I will check that later, to see if I can fix it and share)

Skill Gentle Touch - Revitalize should not give ASPD - if you check the real descrition of the skill, @iro http://irowiki.org/w...ouch-Revitalize the skill shoudn't add ASPD and it's adding A LOT of it.. Check it..

Originally posted by malufett
Confirmed 1

@ 2 its already fixed
@ 3 it is working as intended...no delay except after using Asura Strike...

Originally posted by malufett
Fixed @ [rev='16131']

moved issue from Skills