Issue Information
0 - None Assigned
Working as Intended
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Item_db entry: 1654,Mental_Stick,Mental Stick,4,20,,500,40:170,,1,1,0x00818315,7,2,2,3,102,1,10,{ if(getrefine()>5) { bonus2 bSkillAtk,"SO_PSYCHIC_WAVE",(getrefine()-5)*2; bonus bMaxHPRate,-(getrefine()-5)*2; } bonus2 bSkillVariableCast,"SO_PSYCHIC_WAVE",-3000; bonus2 bSkillUseSP,"SO_PSYCHIC_WAVE",-60; },{},{ itemheal 0,-100; }
video shown..
Renewal Cast was implemented in [rev=16661], and according to [bug=6071],
bSkillVariableCast wont have an effect because it isn't completely implemented yet, but it will be auto-solved when the variable cast time is fully done.
at [rev='16661'] its now fully functional...
bonus bFixedCastrate,x; Increases fixed cast time of skills by x%.
bonus bVariableCastrate,x; Increases variable cast time of skills by x%.
bonus2 bSkillFixedCast,s,x; Increases fixed cast time of skill s by x milliseconds. (supports skill names.)
bonus2 bSkillVariableCast,s,x; Increases variable cast time of skill s by x milliseconds. (supports skill names.)
bonus2 bVariableCastrate,s,x; Increases variable cast time of skill s by x%. (supports skill names.)
Edit: Oh, misread the description. This is working as intended, thanks malufett!
emong just forgot to upgrade it up to 5+...
So for it to be fully functional.. The Mental stick should be +5? or up? therefore I should set on the item_db.txt .. if(getrefine()>=7) { bskillvariablecast? } like this?
kindly enlighten me. thanks.
@sir malufett: I upgraded my mental stick to +5 or above still it doesn't less the variable cast time. Without buffs and with mental stick - cast time is around 5 seconds.. but with buffs and mental stick its around 4 seconds..
but it should be 2 or 1 second respectively..
And what do you mean by "emong just forgot to upgrade it up to 5+..."
Edited by emong, 26 August 2012 - 07:47 AM.