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This is skill is not adding the damage of the cannon (or at least this is my feeling) to the damage formula.
From the report :
Cannonball Atk is not being factored into damage.
My test was level 1 cart cannon, with no gear on either player.
Cart cannon level 1 damage is 400% + cart remodelling (I have at 5) and cart boost attack (if the buff is active, which it was not during my test.)
First was with regular cannonballs (100 attack), for the first shot. damage was about 732. (attack was 76+0+ 100 from cannonball)
Second attack was with iron cannonballs (250 attack), damage was about 758.
(76+0+ 250 from cannonball)
EDIT: tested on porings just-in-case, and got similar results.
This is the formula I found:
ATK [{( Cart Remodeling Skill Level x 50 ) x ( INT / 40 )} + ( Cart Cannon Skill Level x 60 )] %
attack the formula looks like, based on my stats and such:
[{( 5 x 50 ) x ( 120+5 / 40 )} + ( 1 x 60 )] % =
[{ 250 x 3.125 } + 60] % =
[ 781.25 + 60 ]% = 841.25% damage.
formula math'd out without cannonball attack adds up to.
76 x 8.412 = 640
attack from cannonball
176 x 8.412 = 1481
and Iron cannonball
326 x 8.412 = 2742
My assumption is that cannonball attack is not being added into the damage formula.
If the same is true for arrows, perhaps this is why archers have seen such a drop in damage output?
I can confirm that... waiting for fix... )
its working fine...I tried to change the atk value of cannon balls and arrows to see the damage changes..and poof its working like a charm..
My players complain about low damage of cart cannon, where can be the clue for this?