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Bug Tracker Migration

June 3rd
Good news everyone! The staff has decided that it is time to slowly kill off this Bug Tracker. We will begin the process of slowly migrating from this Bug Tracker over to our Github Issues which can be found here: https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/issues

Over the next couple of days, I will be closing off any opportunity to create new reports. However, I still will keep the opportunity to reply to existing Bug Reports. Doing this will allow us to slowly fix any bug reports we have listed here so that we can easily migrate over to our Issue Tracker.

Update - June 7th 2015: Creating new bug posts has been disabled. Please use our https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/issues tracker to post bugs. Users are still able to reply to existing bug posts.

- Administration

Issue Information

  • #006581

  • 0 - None Assigned

  • Fixed

Issue Confirmations

  • Yes (2)No (0)

Asura Strike (Rebalancing)

Posted by Hercules Bot on 29 August 2012 - 08:33 AM

Originally posted by kyeme
After casting Asura Strike/Guillotine Fist the caster won't able to use SP Potion (which sp potion? Ygg is included?) and how many Seconds approximately won't be able to use Potion. Sorry I don't have kRO/iRO account. Please confirm this Thank You..  Source: RWC Player and
~kyeme :)

Originally posted by michieru
Now I have the icon but it's stay 5min. It's should stay 10sec any idea?

Originally posted by kyeme

Now I have the icon but it's stay 5min. It's should stay 10sec any idea?

But the default in lua/lub files are 5mins. So its normal?

Originally posted by michieru
No it's should be 10sec so if it's in lua I will change this in my lua. This icon is only here to tell you how much time you have before regenerating sp

Originally posted by malufett

Now I have the icon but it's stay 5min. It's should stay 10sec any idea?

that is why I am asking a while ago because in pre and re it's 5 minutes..


Originally posted by michieru
the regeneration of normal sp is 5min but the regeneration with potion is 10sec. And the icon appear 10sec just for the potion regeneration. Maybe I'm wrong but in iro it's like this.

Originally posted by malufett
ah..so it is a separate status_change..ok..
I'll commit the changes later..


Originally posted by kyeme

No it's should be 10sec so if it's in lua I will change this in my lua. This icon is only here to tell you how much time you have before regenerating sp

Ohh I'm wrong, im sorry :)

Originally posted by kyeme
While casting asura strike try to spamm Blue Potion, after cast Asura Strike you can get some SP from blue potion (i can cheat?) this is normal or bug?

Originally posted by Lighta
from what I saw fix is imcomplete.
Actually SC_EXTREMITYFIST is apply only when skill succed (skill_counter_additional_effet). Move this start in skill_castend and this part will be fix.

Originally posted by malufett

Actually SC_EXTREMITYFIST is apply only when skill succed (skill_counter_additional_effet). Move this start in skill_castend and this part will be fix.

yeah your right...however
After Guillotine Fist is successfully casted, then the caster cannot regenerate SP naturally for 5 minutes afterwards.(please check in official)..

While casting asura strike try to spamm Blue Potion, after cast Asura Strike you can get some SP from blue potion (i can cheat?) this is normal or bug?

this is due on how it was coded..as Lighta said..
this is how it goes....
Cast skills -> compute damage + remove sp -> do the damage to target -> (success) do disabling regen else do nothing

and when you spam using blue pots it intersect with the 'do the damage to target' that's why you still gain sp..

so to summarize:
1. add another status_change(disabling sp regen in items)
2. the disabling SP regen from items must apply on fail/success


Originally posted by michieru
When you cast asura strike it's block the naturally sp regeneration for 5min but the spirits recovery skill start to work 10sec after casting asura.

Originally posted by michieru

Originally posted by malufett
Fixed @ [rev='16776']

Originally posted by kyeme

How about if you are casting asura strike in a town? Example you used asura strike (shift) Player in town then skill has failed.. After that you can't Heal SP potion also?

item is consumed and if you cast it in a town it's does the same effect you can't regenerate sp for 10sec with potion

Hi Sir maluffet, ths behavior s not working..

Bug:And if you cast asura strike to the Player with Safety Wall (miss),  you can Still use SP potion ..(if asura strike miss,  the official behavior did not worked.)

Sir maluffet this behavior is not working..

Originally posted by emong
Ddisabling SP Regeneration for 5 minutes isn't working. but for the 10 seconds it working great.

Originally posted by malufett

Sir maluffet this behavior is not working..

its working for me..

Ddisabling SP Regeneration for 5 minutes isn't working. but for the 10 seconds it working great.

its working fine..unless your GF did miss..cause that is official behavior..when it miss the 5m won't take effect..


Originally posted by kyeme

Sir maluffet this behavior is not working..

its working for me..

I meant if you cast MISS (ex. using Asura in Safetywall, Auto Guard,  using Asura to your party member [shift asura] ) to your target the 10 secs SP regen or SP potion will disable. In Short, after cast Asura Strike [Miss or not Miss] the SP potion will be disable for 10 seconds.. I tested this on pRO Sakray. :)
I meant if you cast asura (wrong target) in non-pvp map or to your partymembers/ally its also disable your SP potion for 10 secs.

Edited by kyeme, 14 September 2012 - 07:59 AM.

Originally posted by kyeme

When you cast asura you can't get sp from all item that give sp for 10sec but you can receive soulchange to regenerate sp (you consume item without regenerating sp during the 10sec but you have an icon on the right that show you how much time you need to wait)

Hmm,  when we tried to use Soul Change to a sura under the 10 secs asura sp regen penalty it shows that the skill is working fine however when you will check the sp of the sura the sp really did not change.. Source: pRO Sakray :)

10 secs of sp regen penalty can not be dispelled. Source: pRO Sakray :)

Edited by kyeme, 15 September 2012 - 02:47 PM.

Originally posted by emong

Sir maluffet this behavior is not working..

its working for me..

Ddisabling SP Regeneration for 5 minutes isn't working. but for the 10 seconds it working great.

its working fine..unless your GF did miss..cause that is official behavior..when it miss the 5m won't take effect.. :meow:

Yes the cooldown do work but for the 5 minutes it ain't working. Specially on pvp areas :(

Originally posted by Ind
reopened as per keyeme request