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Add max possible input values on integer arguments
Posted by Hercules Bot on 03 September 2012 - 04:57 PM
Originally posted by suza12
Not every single one though, just the important ones.
Its for a more accurate documentation.
here is an example from rathena/doc/item_bonus.txt
bonus2 bSkillCooldown,s,x; Increases cooldown of skill s by x milliseconds. (supports skill names.) range:-32768<x<32767
Since I didn't know beforehand in the src the bonus value was declared "short val;" it would only be given a range of -32768ms to 32767ms at a time. I always thought it was not working until I investigated it thoroughly, I almost tried posting it as an issue.
It might be a tedious task, and it might just be a small help at all, but adding it will give more accurate info on how to use functions.
Not every single one though, just the important ones.
Its for a more accurate documentation.
here is an example from rathena/doc/item_bonus.txt
bonus2 bSkillCooldown,s,x; Increases cooldown of skill s by x milliseconds. (supports skill names.) range:-32768<x<32767
Since I didn't know beforehand in the src the bonus value was declared "short val;" it would only be given a range of -32768ms to 32767ms at a time. I always thought it was not working until I investigated it thoroughly, I almost tried posting it as an issue.
It might be a tedious task, and it might just be a small help at all, but adding it will give more accurate info on how to use functions.
Originally posted by Akkarin
I think it will be worth doing for some of them.
It's on my to-do list!
I think it will be worth doing for some of them.
It's on my to-do list!
Originally posted by suza12
Thanks, I hope to see it in updates soon I guess this is the kind of task w/c needs to be done one at a time.
Thanks, I hope to see it in updates soon I guess this is the kind of task w/c needs to be done one at a time.
changed status to: Started
// here start arrays to be globally zeroed at the beginning of status_calc_pc() int param_bonus[6],param_equip[6]; //Stores card/equipment bonuses. int subele[ELE_MAX]; int subrace[RC_MAX]; int subrace2[RC2_MAX]; int subsize[3]; int reseff[SC_COMMON_MAX-SC_COMMON_MIN+1]; int weapon_coma_ele[ELE_MAX]; int weapon_coma_race[RC_MAX]; int weapon_atk[16]; int weapon_atk_rate[16]; int arrow_addele[ELE_MAX]; int arrow_addrace[RC_MAX]; int arrow_addsize[3]; int magic_addele[ELE_MAX]; int magic_addrace[RC_MAX]; int magic_addsize[3]; int magic_atk_ele[ELE_MAX]; int critaddrace[RC_MAX]; int expaddrace[RC_MAX]; int ignore_mdef[RC_MAX]; int ignore_def[RC_MAX]; short sp_gain_race[RC_MAX]; short sp_gain_race_attack[RC_MAX]; short hp_gain_race_attack[RC_MAX]; // zeroed arrays end here. // zeroed structures start here struct s_autospell autospell[15], autospell2[15], autospell3[15]; struct s_addeffect addeff[MAX_PC_BONUS], addeff2[MAX_PC_BONUS]; struct s_addeffectonskill addeff3[MAX_PC_BONUS]; struct { //skillatk raises bonus dmg% of skills, skillheal increases heal%, skillblown increases bonus blewcount for some skills. unsigned short id; short val; } skillatk[MAX_PC_BONUS], skillusesprate[MAX_PC_BONUS], skillusesp[MAX_PC_BONUS], skillheal[5], skillheal2[5], skillblown[MAX_PC_BONUS], skillcast[MAX_PC_BONUS], skillcooldown[MAX_PC_BONUS], skillfixcast[MAX_PC_BONUS], skillvarcast[MAX_PC_BONUS], skillfixcastrate[MAX_PC_BONUS]; struct { short value; int rate; int tick; } hp_loss, sp_loss, hp_regen, sp_regen; struct { short class_, rate; } add_def[MAX_PC_BONUS], add_mdef[MAX_PC_BONUS], add_mdmg[MAX_PC_BONUS]; struct s_add_drop add_drop[MAX_PC_BONUS]; struct { int nameid; int rate; } itemhealrate[MAX_PC_BONUS]; struct { short flag, rate; unsigned char ele; } subele2[MAX_PC_BONUS]; // zeroed structures end here // manually zeroed structures start here. struct s_autobonus autobonus[MAX_PC_BONUS], autobonus2[MAX_PC_BONUS], autobonus3[MAX_PC_BONUS]; //Auto script on attack, when attacked, on skill usage // manually zeroed structures end here. // zeroed vars start here. struct { int atk_rate; int arrow_atk,arrow_ele,arrow_cri,arrow_hit; int nsshealhp,nsshealsp; int critical_def,double_rate; int long_attack_atk_rate; //Long range atk rate, not weapon based. [Skotlex] int near_attack_def_rate,long_attack_def_rate,magic_def_rate,misc_def_rate; int ignore_mdef_ele; int ignore_mdef_race; int perfect_hit; int perfect_hit_add; int get_zeny_rate; int get_zeny_num; //Added Get Zeny Rate [Skotlex] int double_add_rate; int short_weapon_damage_return,long_weapon_damage_return; int magic_damage_return; // AppleGirl Was Here int break_weapon_rate,break_armor_rate; int crit_atk_rate; int classchange; // [Valaris] int speed_rate, speed_add_rate, aspd_add; int itemhealrate2; // [Epoque] Increase heal rate of all healing items. int shieldmdef;//royal guard's unsigned int setitem_hash, setitem_hash2; //Split in 2 because shift operations only work on int ranges. [Skotlex] short splash_range, splash_add_range; short add_steal_rate; short add_heal_rate, add_heal2_rate; short sp_gain_value, hp_gain_value, magic_sp_gain_value, magic_hp_gain_value; short sp_vanish_rate; short sp_vanish_per; unsigned short unbreakable; // chance to prevent ANY equipment breaking [celest] unsigned short unbreakable_equip; //100% break resistance on certain equipment unsigned short unstripable_equip; int fixcastrate,varcastrate; int add_fixcast,add_varcast; int ematk; // matk bonus from equipment } bonus;this is WTF
I just noticed rathena item_bonus.txt has a better format
this might take several days to do ....