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Bug Tracker Migration

June 3rd
Good news everyone! The staff has decided that it is time to slowly kill off this Bug Tracker. We will begin the process of slowly migrating from this Bug Tracker over to our Github Issues which can be found here: https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/issues

Over the next couple of days, I will be closing off any opportunity to create new reports. However, I still will keep the opportunity to reply to existing Bug Reports. Doing this will allow us to slowly fix any bug reports we have listed here so that we can easily migrate over to our Issue Tracker.

Update - June 7th 2015: Creating new bug posts has been disabled. Please use our https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/issues tracker to post bugs. Users are still able to reply to existing bug posts.

- Administration

Issue Information

  • #006617

  • 0 - None Assigned

  • Started

Issue Confirmations

  • Yes (0)No (0)

Add max possible input values on integer arguments

Posted by Hercules Bot on 03 September 2012 - 04:57 PM

Originally posted by suza12
Not every single one though, just the important ones.
Its for a more accurate documentation.

here is an example from rathena/doc/item_bonus.txt

bonus2 bSkillCooldown,s,x; Increases cooldown of skill s by x milliseconds. (supports skill names.) range:-32768<x<32767

Since I didn't know beforehand in the src the bonus value was declared "short val;" it would only be given a range of -32768ms to 32767ms at a time. I always thought it was not working until I investigated it thoroughly, I almost tried posting it as an issue.

It might be a tedious task, and it might just be a small help at all, but adding it will give more accurate info on how to use functions.

Originally posted by Akkarin
I think it will be worth doing for some of them.

It's on my to-do list!

Originally posted by suza12
Thanks, I hope to see it in updates soon :) I guess this is the kind of task w/c needs to be done one at a time.

changed status to: Started

// here start arrays to be globally zeroed at the beginning of status_calc_pc()
	int param_bonus[6],param_equip[6]; //Stores card/equipment bonuses.
	int subele[ELE_MAX];
	int subrace[RC_MAX];
	int subrace2[RC2_MAX];
	int subsize[3];
	int weapon_coma_ele[ELE_MAX];
	int weapon_coma_race[RC_MAX];
	int weapon_atk[16];
	int weapon_atk_rate[16];
	int arrow_addele[ELE_MAX];
	int arrow_addrace[RC_MAX];
	int arrow_addsize[3];
	int magic_addele[ELE_MAX];
	int magic_addrace[RC_MAX];
	int magic_addsize[3];
	int magic_atk_ele[ELE_MAX];
	int critaddrace[RC_MAX];
	int expaddrace[RC_MAX];
	int ignore_mdef[RC_MAX];
	int ignore_def[RC_MAX];
	short sp_gain_race[RC_MAX];
	short sp_gain_race_attack[RC_MAX];
	short hp_gain_race_attack[RC_MAX];
	// zeroed arrays end here.
	// zeroed structures start here
	struct s_autospell autospell[15], autospell2[15], autospell3[15];
	struct s_addeffect addeff[MAX_PC_BONUS], addeff2[MAX_PC_BONUS];
	struct s_addeffectonskill addeff3[MAX_PC_BONUS];
	struct { //skillatk raises bonus dmg% of skills, skillheal increases heal%, skillblown increases bonus blewcount for some skills.
		unsigned short id;
		short val;
	} skillatk[MAX_PC_BONUS], skillusesprate[MAX_PC_BONUS], skillusesp[MAX_PC_BONUS], skillheal[5], skillheal2[5], skillblown[MAX_PC_BONUS], skillcast[MAX_PC_BONUS], skillcooldown[MAX_PC_BONUS], skillfixcast[MAX_PC_BONUS], skillvarcast[MAX_PC_BONUS], skillfixcastrate[MAX_PC_BONUS];
	struct {
		short value;
		int rate;
		int tick;
	} hp_loss, sp_loss, hp_regen, sp_regen;
	struct {
		short class_, rate;
	}	add_def[MAX_PC_BONUS], add_mdef[MAX_PC_BONUS], add_mdmg[MAX_PC_BONUS];
	struct s_add_drop add_drop[MAX_PC_BONUS];
	struct {
		int nameid;
		int rate;
	} itemhealrate[MAX_PC_BONUS];
	struct {
		short flag, rate;
		unsigned char ele;
	} subele2[MAX_PC_BONUS];
	// zeroed structures end here
	// manually zeroed structures start here.
	struct s_autobonus autobonus[MAX_PC_BONUS], autobonus2[MAX_PC_BONUS], autobonus3[MAX_PC_BONUS]; //Auto script on attack, when attacked, on skill usage
	// manually zeroed structures end here.
	// zeroed vars start here.
	struct {
		int atk_rate;
		int arrow_atk,arrow_ele,arrow_cri,arrow_hit;
		int nsshealhp,nsshealsp;
		int critical_def,double_rate;
		int long_attack_atk_rate; //Long range atk rate, not weapon based. [Skotlex]
		int near_attack_def_rate,long_attack_def_rate,magic_def_rate,misc_def_rate;
		int ignore_mdef_ele;
		int ignore_mdef_race;
		int perfect_hit;
		int perfect_hit_add;
		int get_zeny_rate;
		int get_zeny_num; //Added Get Zeny Rate [Skotlex]
		int double_add_rate;
		int short_weapon_damage_return,long_weapon_damage_return;
		int magic_damage_return; // AppleGirl Was Here
		int break_weapon_rate,break_armor_rate;
		int crit_atk_rate;
		int classchange; // [Valaris]
		int speed_rate, speed_add_rate, aspd_add;
		int itemhealrate2; // [Epoque] Increase heal rate of all healing items.
		int shieldmdef;//royal guard's
		unsigned int setitem_hash, setitem_hash2; //Split in 2 because shift operations only work on int ranges. [Skotlex]
		short splash_range, splash_add_range;
		short add_steal_rate;
		short add_heal_rate, add_heal2_rate;
		short sp_gain_value, hp_gain_value, magic_sp_gain_value, magic_hp_gain_value;
		short sp_vanish_rate;
		short sp_vanish_per;
		unsigned short unbreakable;	// chance to prevent ANY equipment breaking [celest]
		unsigned short unbreakable_equip; //100% break resistance on certain equipment
		unsigned short unstripable_equip;
		int fixcastrate,varcastrate;
		int add_fixcast,add_varcast;
		int ematk; // matk bonus from equipment
	} bonus;
this is WTF
I just noticed rathena item_bonus.txt has a better format
this might take several days to do ....