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My Genetic is on a potter-build atm, with 100% success on normal pots and about 80% on condensed. Yet he did fail on 20 attempts of mixed cooking. All items were available.
Mixed Cooking
Success formula compares the value of A to B.
A = (Caster’s Job Level / 4) + (Caster’s LUK / 2) + (Caster’s DEX / 3)
B = Random number between (30 ~ 150) + Difficulty rate
Success = if A value, (Caster’s Job Level / 4) + (Caster’s LUK / 2) + (Caster’s DEX / 3) is greater than B value, (Random number between 30 ~ 150) + Difficulty rate
Failure = if A value, (Caster’s Job Level / 4) + (Caster’s LUK / 2) + (Caster’s DEX / 3) is less than B value, (Random number between 30 ~ 150) + Difficulty rate
1. If A value is 30+ greater than B value, creates 10 ~ 12 Foods.
2. If A value is 10+ greater than B value, creates 10 Foods.
3. If A value is exactly 10 less than B value, creates 8 Foods.
4. If A value is 30+ less than B value, creates 5 Foods.
5. If A value is 50+ less than B value, Food creation fails.
For you're saying Mixed cooking does work fine I'd love to get some insight of a part of the script, if you don't mind.
According to the formula posted, my Genetic would have a 80% chance to create +20-food if the 'difficulty-rating' would be 0. For I don't know what's the 'difficulty-rating', I don't know my actual chance.
But for my 20 food-ingredients did only produce black lumb I guess that 'difficulty rating' is extremely high? Just want to know how high that 'difficulty-rating' is, so I can recalculate my chance and decide if it is even worth the effort
hope you get it
<br /> case GN_MAKEBOMB:<br /> case GN_MIX_COOKING:<br /> {<br /> int difficulty = 30 + rnd()%120; // Random number between (30 ~ 150)<br /> <br /> make_per = sd->status.job_level / 4 + status->luk / 2 + status->dex / 3; // (Caster�s Job Level / 4) + (Caster�s LUK / 2) + (Caster�s DEX / 3)<br /> qty = ~(5 + rnd()%5) + 1;<br /><br /> switch(nameid){// difficulty factor<br /> case 13260:<br /> difficulty += 5;<br /> break;<br /> case 13261: case 13262:<br /> difficulty += 10;<br /> break;<br /> case 12429: case 12430: case 12431:<br /> case 12432: case 12433: case 12434:<br /> case 13263:<br /> difficulty += 15;<br /> break;<br /> case 13264: <br /> difficulty += 20;<br /> break;<br /> }<br /><br /> if( make_per >= 30 && make_per > difficulty)<br /> qty = 10 + rnd()%2;<br /> else if( make_per >= 10 && make_per > difficulty)<br /> qty = 10;<br /> else if( make_per == 10 && make_per > difficulty)<br /> qty = 8;<br /> else if( (make_per >= 50 || make_per < 30) && make_per < difficulty)<br /> ;// Food/Bomb creation fails.<br /> else if( make_per >= 30 && make_per < difficulty)<br /> qty = 5;<br /> <br /> if( qty < 0 || (skilllv == 1 && make_per < difficulty)){<br /> qty = ~qty + 1;<br /> make_per = 0;<br /> }else<br /> make_per = 10000;<br /> qty = (skilllv > 1 ? qty : 1);<br /> }<br /> break;<br />