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Bug Tracker Migration

June 3rd
Good news everyone! The staff has decided that it is time to slowly kill off this Bug Tracker. We will begin the process of slowly migrating from this Bug Tracker over to our Github Issues which can be found here: https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/issues

Over the next couple of days, I will be closing off any opportunity to create new reports. However, I still will keep the opportunity to reply to existing Bug Reports. Doing this will allow us to slowly fix any bug reports we have listed here so that we can easily migrate over to our Issue Tracker.

Update - June 7th 2015: Creating new bug posts has been disabled. Please use our https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/issues tracker to post bugs. Users are still able to reply to existing bug posts.

- Administration

Issue Information

  • #006949

  • 0 - None Assigned

  • Needs More Info

Issue Confirmations

  • Yes (0)No (0)

Crimson Fire Formation low damage

Posted by Hercules Bot on 30 November 2012 - 01:12 AM

Originally posted by Beret
The skill Crimson Fire Formation is with very low damage in rathena, in the kro damage and hit are higher.

The monsters are also causing damage in rathena 1, is very difficult to kill beasts that takes 1 damage.

Originally posted by Beret
bump, some comment.

Originally posted by malufett
Unable to reproduce..I tried to mimic the setup in the video and I came up with a relative results...using proper equipment(normal items) and buff used but the damage I got is about a difference of 100~200 since Oboro buffs bonuses it still unknown or custom so we can not get ATM the exact result...


Originally posted by Beret
More the amount of hits.

It is also impossible to evolve into rathena mobs taking damage 1

Edited by Beret, 03 December 2012 - 05:35 PM.

moved issue from Skills

The amount of hits and much more.

changed status to: Needs More Info

Need another confirmation to proceed and how the amount of hits differ would be nice too

if we are talking about magic damage inflict to mobs is weaker..well I confirmed that since smdef of mobs are still unknown so atm it uses characters smdef calculation where it makes them harder..but if its about inflicting to players it's working normal...


Another thing that I noticed in the video is that Crimson Fire Formation is not the sum of the damage is shown the value of the last hit as sum.

Also the flames are not consumed when the mob comes in contact.

Did a recording with Replay of iro sakray, since I'm no video editor.

Attached File  Blaze shield- replay.rar   47.09K   4 downloads

Bump, anyone can see the replay and confirm ?

Another thing that I noticed in the video is that Crimson Fire Formation is not the sum of the damage is shown the value of the last hit as sum.

what do you mean by this? as I test kro, iro and and aegis server it only does one hit per milliseconds...

Also the flames are not consumed when the mob comes in contact.

hmm..don't get it..hehehehe..:)


Another thing that I noticed in the video is that Crimson Fire Formation is not the sum of the damage is shown the value of the last hit as sum.

what do you mean by this? as I test kro, iro and and aegis server it only does one hit per milliseconds...

Also the flames are not consumed when the mob comes in contact.

hmm..don't get it..hehehehe.. :)


In hercules occurs only 1 hit and are 9 according to iro.

The sum of the hits is incorrect, Note the video if you give 5 hits 1 k will add 5 x 1 k as a sum


Edited by Beret, 25 February 2013 - 05:07 PM.

iro means by 9 hit is 9 separate hit before the flame disappear...
I did check iro and kro and they both do the same one hit not like JT,FB and other multi hit skill does..(and also what Hercules does)

try to make use of slower mobs so you can see the difference cause fast mobs like you used is too hard to see differences the damage display stacks..


Bump. I think it's time to put that skill as the official.

Damage and number of hits are okay already.

Only difference I see is that on emulator we remove its dMotion so the monsters can be hit again faster after knockback, but in the video it looks like there is dMotion, but no knockback, so it will just keep hitting the monster in unit timer interval until monster walked to next cell, dies or flame did 9 hits.

Hmmm, I guess I'll put this on the list of skills to fix (so much to do ^^ ;).

I confirmed this on official servers now, so you could set this to "Confirmed".

On official servers, Crimson Fire Formation / Blaze Shield doesn't have any knockback effect. It's not like Firewall that has a 2 tile knockback effect. So basically it works against ALL monsters like Firewall works against undead monsters, hitting every 20ms.

Edit: Not sure if it gives walk delay or not, I guess the monster flinches, but it pretty much walks through CFF as if there was nothing stopping it. It sometimes even manages to walk over a flame completely without taking all 9 hits on max level.

Edited by Playtester, 12 November 2014 - 07:21 AM.

Here are some debugs on aegis that I did, maybe this can help.
signed int __userpurge CPCBattle::SK_NJ_KaenSin<eax>(int a1<esi>, int a2)
  signed int result; // eax@1
  int v3; // ebx@2
  int v4; // ST20_4@6
  int v5; // ST18_4@6
  DWORD v7; // eax@6
  int v8; // eax@6
  int v9; // eax@7
  int v10; // [sp+Ch] [bp-10h]@2
  signed int v11; // [sp+10h] [bp-Ch]@1
  signed int v12; // [sp+14h] [bp-8h]@2
  signed int v13; // [sp+18h] [bp-4h]@3

  result = *(_DWORD *)(*(_DWORD *)(a1 + 1108) + 880);
  v11 = result;
  if ( result )
    v3 = a2;
    (*(void (__stdcall **)(signed int, int))(**(_DWORD **)(a1 + 1108) + 52))(7, -*(_DWORD *)(a2 + 12));
    CPC::ConsumeItem(1, 0);
    CPCSkill::DestroyPlayingSkill(*(_DWORD *)(a1 + 1108) + 4372);
    v10 = CZoneSkillGroupUniqueIDGenerator::Alloc();
    v12 = -2;
      v13 = -2;
        if ( v12 || v13 )
          v4 = *(_DWORD *)(v3 + 4);
          v5 = *(_WORD *)(v3 + 16);
          v6 = CCharacterMgr::m_cpSelf;
          v7 = *(_DWORD *)v3 + timeGetTime();
          v8 = CCharacterMgr::CreateSkill2(
                 *(_DWORD *)(*(_DWORD *)(a1 + 1108) + 1996),
          if ( v8 )
            v9 = (*(int (__thiscall **)(int))(*(_DWORD *)v8 + 40))(v8);
            CPCSkill::AddPlayingSkill(v9, v12, v13);
          v3 = a2;
      while ( v13 <= 2 );
    while ( v12 <= 2 );
    result = 1;
  return result;
__int16 __stdcall SK_NJ_KAENSIN::GetPreDelayTime(__int16 a1)
  return 500 * (13 - a1);
signed int __thiscall SK_NJ_KAENSIN::OnMsg(void *this, int a2, __int16 a3, int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8)
  int v9; // [sp+4h] [bp-24h]@5
  void *v10; // [sp+14h] [bp-14h]@3
  int v11; // [sp+24h] [bp-4h]@3

  if ( a4 == 12 )
    v10 = (void *)a5;
    memset(&v10, 0, 4);
    v11 = -1;
    CCharacterMgr::SendMsg_0(0, 94, (unsigned __int16)a3, a6, &v9, v10);
    if ( a4 == 14 )
      return 50;
    v10 = this;
    memset(&v10, 0, 4);
    v11 = -1;
    CSkillTypeInfo::OnMsg(a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, v10);
  return 0;
int __thiscall SK_NJ_KAENSIN::Init(int this)
  int v1; // esi@1
  int v2; // eax@1
  int result; // eax@1

  v1 = this;
  *(_WORD *)(this + 172) = 535;
  v2 = *(_DWORD *)this;
  *(_DWORD *)(this + 184) = 4;
  result = (*(int (__stdcall **)(signed int))(v2 + 44))(3);
  *(_DWORD *)(v1 + 176) = 2;
  return result;

I fixed Crimson Fire Formation having a knockback effect on rA: https://github.com/r...7c6ed37a371c0b2
Should be easy to merge.

Can't really say much about the damage of a single hit except that it's pretty much really 50% MATK (half the damage Fire Bolt would do with one hit at same INT with no equip and buffs).

Doesn't work as the official, look at the beginning of the video, when he gets hit the Monster does not move or has its movement speed changed.

If you look in 00:40 seconds of the video you will see that one of the flames of 3 hits and still doesn't go away, something is missing though is not complete.

I don't see any slowdow in the video. They just walk normally through it.

Not sure what you mean with the last sentence, at 00:40 the golem gets hit 3 times then dies. As each flame can hit 9 times, it doesn't go away. Same as it's working here already.

Doesn't work as the official, look at the beginning of the video, when he gets hit the Monster does not move or has its movement speed changed.

as I see in the video its a flinch effect..as Playtester said..
