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Bug Tracker Migration

June 3rd
Good news everyone! The staff has decided that it is time to slowly kill off this Bug Tracker. We will begin the process of slowly migrating from this Bug Tracker over to our Github Issues which can be found here: https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/issues

Over the next couple of days, I will be closing off any opportunity to create new reports. However, I still will keep the opportunity to reply to existing Bug Reports. Doing this will allow us to slowly fix any bug reports we have listed here so that we can easily migrate over to our Issue Tracker.

Update - June 7th 2015: Creating new bug posts has been disabled. Please use our https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/issues tracker to post bugs. Users are still able to reply to existing bug posts.

- Administration

Issue Information

  • #007471

  • 4 - High

  • Fixed

Issue Confirmations

  • Yes (4)No (0)

Skill Points not evenly distributed anymore.

Posted by ToiletMaster on 04 July 2013 - 02:56 PM

hi there!

i'm facing 2 issues here upon updating (note that my last pull was last tuesday)

1. The message that used to show you require to use 50 for the 1st job is missing.
2. It seems that upon reset, you're able to immediately add your skills to 3rd job page without going through 1st and second.

Please confirm thanks!

1. The message that used to show you require to use 50 for the 1st job is missing.

was that something a npc said? to my knowledge you require at most 40 o-o 50 is optional (I'm not acknowledging this was changed, I currently have no idea) -- also when/where was this displayed?.
Will try to test #2

changed status to: New

2. It seems that upon reset, you're able to immediately add your skills to 3rd job page without going through 1st and second.

How can this be done? I tried reseting and the client doesn't even show the lvl up icon in the 2nd or 3rd class skill pages

Maybe related:
Using this script:
new_zone01,136,121,4 script wwewewe 105,{ jobchange 4018; set baselevel, 90; set joblevel, 60; set skillpoint, 117; end; }
You can bypass the 1st job skills

Edited by kyeme, 05 July 2013 - 02:07 AM.

I'm not sure where to get that info, but previously before I updated, and when i just resetted my skill points. It just displays in the chat log there. Similar to dispbottom script command.

If i increased 2nd/3rd job skills immediately, it'll state. Please use finish '50' Skill points in 1st tab. (Note that this is wrong as it should be 49) which i would require to use up 49 skills points in order
to reach the second tab.

Imagine my level is 150/50 at the moment. Upon resetting, i should get, 49+69+49 am i correct? which comes back to 167 skill points.

However, upon updating, the message dissapears and I can increase the skill points bypassing the restriction.

Please let me know if you require further information thanks!

What method did you use to reset the skills?

are you using GM account? using skillall or bypassing job per job change can ruin your per class skill restriction..



Using a script to reset it. To be more specific it would be Euphy's All-in-one's NPC. with small modifications but none tampering the resetting part.


Nope, I'm aware that GM account is able to bypass however right now my players are able to bypass the restrictions at the moment.
I'm currently using a normal account at the moment and it managed to bypass all restrictions.

changed status to: Fixed

Fixed in https://github.com/H...28997148bcc5f55
Thank you ToilerMaster

Thank you so much Ind!

Fixed in https://github.com/H...28997148bcc5f55
Thank you ToilerMaster

sir Ind  you didn't fix anything here you just revised the message info system I originally added and make it cap to 40, 50 & 70..
the main problem resides here 'pc_calc_skilltree_normalize_job' this function is the one that restrict and recompute total skill point if its ok for base, trans and 3rds..so I suggest to revert it..and try to fix 'pc_calc_skilltree_normalize_job' where I failed to fixed since I think and based on my test only gm characters can have this problem until now..:D

this holds the total skillpoint that a character previous allocated to its skill tree..
therefore problem may exist if the character is not properly or bypass the hierarchical sequence of having a job...
and yes this problem also exist in aegis when you make play of the job changer script..:P

and officially when you reset your skill the basis of the minimum skill points to be used before the next tab is the previous job level you have that is why I used 'sd->change_level_2nd' & 'sd->change_level_3rd'..
for example:

swordsman(jlvl50) turns to knight(jlvl 50) and when I reset skill it ask me to full fill my 1st tab with 49 before adding my knight tab skill..
same with
swordsman(jlvl40) turns to knight(jlvl 50) and when I reset skill it ask me to full fill my 1st tab with 39 before adding my knight tab skill..

therefore having a fix of 40, 50 & 70 is wrong..:D

changed status to: Confirmed

malufett and I have been discussing the issue, its being worked on

looking forward to the fix. i almost made a duplicate topic, but remembered this.

bump :)

Any solution to this until it is fixed ?

a temporary solution would be good as well haha

more or less another bump for this >_<

changed severity to: 4 - High

Still waiting for something to happen haha