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The code says reduce to neutral attack? Like Asura Strike and other neutral attack. Is this correct?
4442,Tatacho_Card,Tatacho Card,6,20,,10,,,,,,,,32,,,,,{ bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,20; bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Neutral,5; },{},{}
But in Deviling Card say:
Reduce/Resistance or Tolerance to Neutral Property Attack.
is there a difference between a neutral attack and a neutral monster?
Just asking
item Tatacho_Card
event OnStartEquip:
SubDamage_Property User PROPERTY_Nothing 20
AddDamage_Property Target PROPERTY_Nothing 5
item Deviling_Card
event OnStartEquip:
AddAttrTolerace PROPERTY_Nothing 50
SubAttrTolerace PROPERTY_Poison 50
SubAttrTolerace PROPERTY_Saint 50
SubAttrTolerace PROPERTY_Darkness 50
SubAttrTolerace PROPERTY_Telekinesis 50
SubAttrTolerace PROPERTY_Undead 50
SubAttrTolerace PROPERTY_Water 50
SubAttrTolerace PROPERTY_Ground 50
SubAttrTolerace PROPERTY_Fire 50
SubAttrTolerace PROPERTY_Wind 50
as it states above that tatacho affects the overall damage from a user/target neutral damage while deviling modifies elemental modifier for neutral...
But our Tatacho Card is
{ Id: 4442 AegisName: "Tatacho_Card" Name: "Tatacho Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 32 Script: <" bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,20; bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Neutral,5; "> },
4443 Aqua Elemental Card - Water
4444 Draco Card - Earth
4445 Luciola Vespa Card - Wind
4447 Centipede Card - Poison
4448 Cornus Card - Holy
4449 Dark Shadow Card - Shadow
this effect only work on monster but not on player?
Yesso i read this
this effect only work on monster but not on player?
item Draco_Card event OnStartEquip: SubDamage_Property User PROPERTY_Ground 20 AddDamage_Property Target PROPERTY_Ground 5 event OnFinishEquip: AddDamage_Property User PROPERTY_Ground 20 SubDamage_Property Target PROPERTY_Ground 5 return
i hope Malufett working on it, on his "RE thingy"
what we need is a total revamp of the item script bonuses, to match up with aegis item script bonuses..This need a new script,
i hope Malufett working on it, on his "RE thingy"
There's a hat that autocasts Lex Aeterna upon damaging a target with Heal but the only current script supporting something similar is bAutoSpellOnSkill and there's no way to distinguish between a supportive and offensive heal.
2684 Ring_Of_Wind
5508 Shark_Hat
5509 Sting_Hat
5593 K_Rabbit_Bonnet
15008 Flame_Sprits_Armor__