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No matter how many times I walk over the bush, after sighting the fairy, I do not get the small pocket. I've walked over it hundreds of times and, according to the script, it should be a 1 in 5 chance of me encountering the pocket.
Got the exact same issue.
ConfirmedNo matter how many times I walk over the bush, after sighting the fairy, I do not get the small pocket. I've walked over it hundreds of times and, according to the script, it should be a 1 in 5 chance of me encountering the pocket.
After checking official script a while, it seems to be working fine.
there's actually 6 bushes.
there's actually 6 bushes.
261, 323 186, 260 137, 305 103, 344 24, 196 79, 103So try to go to any one of those bushes, and try if it triggers the npc(the one that triggers is the bush you need to walk over multiple times), and I got the Small_Pocket by that.