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Bug Tracker Migration

June 3rd
Good news everyone! The staff has decided that it is time to slowly kill off this Bug Tracker. We will begin the process of slowly migrating from this Bug Tracker over to our Github Issues which can be found here: https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/issues

Over the next couple of days, I will be closing off any opportunity to create new reports. However, I still will keep the opportunity to reply to existing Bug Reports. Doing this will allow us to slowly fix any bug reports we have listed here so that we can easily migrate over to our Issue Tracker.

Update - June 7th 2015: Creating new bug posts has been disabled. Please use our https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/issues tracker to post bugs. Users are still able to reply to existing bug posts.

- Administration

Issue Information

Issue Confirmations

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Posted by kyeme on 28 November 2013 - 02:34 PM

Everytime I use the command, /mineffect or /minimize, and I warped, the /mineffect goes off so I have to redo or retype the command.

Im using 2013-08-07 client.. Please confirm Thank you! :)

changed status to: Confirmed

its on Ind's to do?? it think..
p.flag.mineffect = map_flag_gvg(bl->m); // FIXME/CHECKME Forcing /mineffect in castles during WoE (probably redundant? I'm not sure)
p.flag.nolockon = 0; // TODO
p.flag.countpk = map->list[bl->m].flag.pvp ? 1 : 0;
p.flag.nopartyformation = map->list[bl->m].flag.partylock ? 1 : 0;
p.flag.bg = map->list[bl->m].flag.battleground ? 1 : 0;
p.flag.noitemconsumption = 0; // TODO
p.flag.summonstarmiracle = 0; // TODO
p.flag.usecart = 1; // TODO


I'm the one who added the 'TODO' flags there (back when I fixed the .party and .guild flags in commit 605fe977), as I didn't really know how to handle the .mineffect flag, and I had no Aegis server to test with.

Can you check if changing the line
p.flag.mineffect = map_flag_gvg(bl->m); // FIXME/CHECKME Forcing /mineffect in castles during WoE (probably redundant? I'm not sure)
p.flag.mineffect = 1;
yields the desired result?

changed status to: Needs More Info

changed status to: Started

ah..ok let me do the trick..:D


would it be that this data needs to be sent when the map doesn't disable it like gvg?
void clif_parse_LessEffect(int fd, struct map_session_data* sd)
	int isLess = RFIFOL(fd,packet_db[RFIFOW(fd,0)].pos[0]);

	sd->state.lesseffect = ( isLess != 0 );

would it be that this data needs to be sent when the map doesn't disable it like gvg?

void clif_parse_LessEffect(int fd, struct map_session_data* sd){ int isLess = RFIFOL(fd,packet_db[RFIFOW(fd,0)].pos[0]); sd->state.lesseffect = ( isLess != 0 );}

this is for /effect...hehehe

and I can't capture if the client sends something when typing /mineffect...

still the same however the other way around...hhehe


That's a mapflag. When it is enabled will simplify the effects on a map, if I'm not mistaken heapplies the /mineffect command on a map.

//		//Force Simplified Effects
//		//TRUE: Simplified effects are used.

This flag is applied on the maps of guild event and woe.

changed status to: Fixed

changed status to: Confirmed

Can it be really fixed? I don't think the client sends anything to the server when enabling/disabling mineffect.

Can it be really fixed? I don't think the client sends anything to the server when enabling/disabling mineffect.

the only remedy is implementing mapflag for it..enabling it in a certain map
as Beret pointed out..


That's only for setting it in a map. The bug is making the user choice (/mineffect) persistent on map change.

That's only for setting it in a map. The bug is making the user choice (/mineffect) persistent on map change.

then what to use?the client don't even send anything when using /mineffect...anyway that mapflag is officially used to forced players to set in mineffect when going to a certain maps like woe map..


then what to use?the client don't even send anything when using /mineffect

Yes, that's what I said. That's why I ask if it can be fixed or, as I understand it, we'll have to change the status to "unable to fix".

changed status to: Duplicate