Issue Information
0 - None Assigned
Needs More Info
Issue Confirmations
Yes (0)No (0)
kB) | RAM: 1.127 MB(4 - Yooooooo): members
[INFO]: Saved char 150302 - ¿ÕÏë²è: status.
[Warning]: itemdb_search: Item ID 9809 does not exists in the item_db. Using dummy data.
[INFO]: Character '¿ÕÏë²è' logged off.
[Error]: Server received crash signal! Attempting to save all online characters!
In: 0.000 kB/s (0.000 kB/s, Q: 0.000 kB) | Out: 0.000 kB/s (0.000 kB/s, Q: 0.000 kB) | RAM: 1.104 MB Duplicate entry '150302-0' for key 'PRIMARY'
[Debug]: at int_quest.c:111 - INSERT INTO `quest`(`quest_id`, `char_id`, `sta In: 0.000 kB/s (0.000 kB/s, Q: 0.000 kB) | Out: 0.000 kB/s (0.000 kB/s, Q: 0.000 kB) | RAM: 1.070 MB'0', '29884515')
[INFO]: Saved char 150302 - ¿ÕÏë²è: inventory storage status accdata status2 skills hotkeys.
[INFO]: Saved char 150556 - ÀÙÃ×ÀûÑÇ¡¤Ë¹¿¨À×ÌØ: inventory status.
In: 0.054 kB/s (0.054 kB/s, Q: 0.000 kB) | Out: 0.077 kB/s (0.077 kB/s, Q: 0.000 kB) | RAM: 0.810 MB50569 - L.R.: inventory status hotkeys.
[Status]: Map-server #0 has disconnected.
In: 0.000 kB/s (0.000 kB/s, Q: 0.000 kB) | Out: 0.000 kB/s (0.000 kB/s, Q: 0.000 kB) | RAM: 1.104 MB
[INFO]: Loading Char Data (2000009)
[INFO]: Closed connection from ''.
[Status]: ÉèÖÃÍæ¼Ò Lydia : 0
[INFO]: Guild Unloaded (2 - ½¨Ò»¸öÍæÍæ)
[INFO]: Guild Unloaded (4 - Yooooooo)
[INFO]: Saved char 150302 - ¿ÕÏë²è: status.
[Warning]: itemdb_search: Item ID 9809 does not exists in the item_db. Using dummy data.
[INFO]: Character '¿ÕÏë²è' logged off.
[Error]: Server received crash signal! Attempting to save all online characters!
In: 0.000 kB/s (0.000 kB/s, Q: 0.000 kB) | Out: 0.000 kB/s (0.000 kB/s, Q: 0.000 kB) | RAM: 1.104 MB Duplicate entry '150302-0' for key 'PRIMARY'
[Debug]: at int_quest.c:111 - INSERT INTO `quest`(`quest_id`, `char_id`, `sta In: 0.000 kB/s (0.000 kB/s, Q: 0.000 kB) | Out: 0.000 kB/s (0.000 kB/s, Q: 0.000 kB) | RAM: 1.070 MB'0', '29884515')
[INFO]: Saved char 150302 - ¿ÕÏë²è: inventory storage status accdata status2 skills hotkeys.
[INFO]: Saved char 150556 - ÀÙÃ×ÀûÑÇ¡¤Ë¹¿¨À×ÌØ: inventory status.
In: 0.054 kB/s (0.054 kB/s, Q: 0.000 kB) | Out: 0.077 kB/s (0.077 kB/s, Q: 0.000 kB) | RAM: 0.810 MB50569 - L.R.: inventory status hotkeys.
[Status]: Map-server #0 has disconnected.
In: 0.000 kB/s (0.000 kB/s, Q: 0.000 kB) | Out: 0.000 kB/s (0.000 kB/s, Q: 0.000 kB) | RAM: 1.104 MB
[INFO]: Loading Char Data (2000009)
[INFO]: Closed connection from ''.
[Status]: ÉèÖÃÍæ¼Ò Lydia : 0
[INFO]: Guild Unloaded (2 - ½¨Ò»¸öÍæÍæ)
[INFO]: Guild Unloaded (4 - Yooooooo)
Gdb report?
changed status to: Needs More Info
[³ý´íģʽ]: at int_quest.c:111 - INSERT INTO `quest`(`quest_id`, `char_id`, `state`, `time`, `count1`, `count2`, `count3`) VALUES ('33571810', '150503', '1','4', '33571437', '4', '33571436') [Êý¾Ý¿â]: DB error - Duplicate entry '150503-33571442' for key 'PRIMARY' [³ý´íģʽ]: at int_quest.c:111 - INSERT INTO `quest`(`quest_id`, `char_id`, `state`, `time`, `count1`, `count2`, `count3`) VALUES ('33571442', '150503', '3','4731', '50348647', '9602', '50348651') [Êý¾Ý¿â]: DB error - Duplicate entry '150503-50348652' for key 'PRIMARY' [³ý´íģʽ]: at int_quest.c:111 - INSERT INTO `quest`(`quest_id`, `char_id`, `state`, `time`, `count1`, `count2`, `count3`) VALUES ('50348652', '150503', '3','1', '67125863', '9601', '67125867') [Êý¾Ý¿â]: DB error - Duplicate entry '150503-67125868' for key 'PRIMARY' [³ý´íģʽ]: at int_quest.c:111 - INSERT INTO `quest`(`quest_id`, `char_id`, `state`, `time`, `count1`, `count2`, `count3`) VALUES ('67125868', '150503', '2','1', '83903079', '6236', '83903083') [Êý¾Ý¿â]: DB error - Duplicate entry '150503-83903084' for key 'PRIMARY' [³ý´íģʽ]: at int_quest.c:111 - INSERT INTO `quest`(`quest_id`, `char_id`, `state`, `time`, `count1`, `count2`, `count3`) VALUES ('83903084', '150503', '1','1', '100680295', '2724', '100680299') [Êý¾Ý¿â]: DB error - Duplicate entry '150503-100680674' for key 'PRIMARY' [³ý´íģʽ]: at int_quest.c:111 - INSERT INTO `quest`(`quest_id`, `char_id`, `state`, `time`, `count1`, `count2`, `count3`) VALUES ('100680674', '150503', '1765','128', '100680300', '1', '117457511') [Êý¾Ý¿â]: DB error - Duplicate entry '150503-117457515' for key 'PRIMARY' [³ý´íģʽ]: at int_quest.c:111 - INSERT INTO `quest`(`quest_id`, `char_id`, `state`, `time`, `count1`, `count2`, `count3`) VALUES ('117457515', '150503', '1766','10', '117457516', '1', '134234727') [Êý¾Ý¿â]: DB error - Duplicate entry '150503-134234731' for key 'PRIMARY' [³ý´íģʽ]: at int_quest.c:111 - INSERT INTO `quest`(`quest_id`, `char_id`, `state`, `time`, `count1`, `count2`, `count3`) VALUES ('134234731', '150503', '6219','10', '134234732', '1', '151011943') [Êý¾Ý¿â]: DB error - Duplicate entry '150503-151011947' for key 'PRIMARY' [³ý´íģʽ]: at int_quest.c:111 - INSERT INTO `quest`(`quest_id`, `char_id`, `state`, `time`, `count1`, `count2`, `count3`) VALUES ('151011947', '150503', '1756','1', '151011948', '1', '167789159') [Êý¾Ý¿â]: DB error - Duplicate entry '150503-167789163' for key 'PRIMARY' [³ý´íģʽ]: at int_quest.c:111 - INSERT INTO `quest`(`quest_id`, `char_id`, `state`, `time`, `count1`, `count2`, `count3`) VALUES ('167789163', '150503', '1755','10', '167789164', '1', '184566375') [Êý¾Ý¿â]: DB error - Duplicate entry '150503-184566379' for key 'PRIMARY' [³ý´íģʽ]: at int_quest.c:111 - INSERT INTO `quest`(`quest_id`, `char_id`, `state`, `time`, `count1`, `count2`, `count3`) VALUES ('184566379', '150503', '1754','10', '184566380', '1', '201343591') [Êý¾Ý¿â]: DB error - Duplicate entry '150503-201343595' for key 'PRIMARY' [³ý´íģʽ]: at int_quest.c:111 - INSERT INTO `quest`(`quest_id`, `char_id`, `state`, `time`, `count1`, `count2`, `count3`) VALUES ('201343595', '150503', '645','10', '201343596', '1', '218120807') [Êý¾Ý¿â]: DB error - Duplicate entry '150503-218120811' for key 'PRIMARY' [³ý´íģʽ]: at int_quest.c:111 - INSERT INTO `quest`(`quest_id`, `char_id`, `state`, `time`, `count1`, `count2`, `count3`) VALUES ('218120811', '150503', '6124','17', '218120812', '1', '234898023') [Êý¾Ý¿â]: DB error - Duplicate entry '150503-234898027' for key 'PRIMARY' [³ý´íģʽ]: at int_quest.c:111 - INSERT INTO `quest`(`quest_id`, `char_id`, `state`, `time`, `count1`, `count2`, `count3`) VALUES ('234898027', '150503', '1746','1', '234898028', '1', '251675239') [Êý¾Ý¿â]: DB error - Duplicate entry '150503-251675243' for key 'PRIMARY' [³ý´íģʽ]: at int_quest.c:111 - INSERT INTO `quest`(`quest_id`, `char_id`, `state`, `time`, `count1`, `count2`, `count3`) VALUES ('251675243', '150503', '6','1', '251675618', '34', '251675245') [Êý¾Ý¿â]: DB error - Duplicate entry '150503-251675244' for key 'PRIMARY' [³ý´íģʽ]: at int_quest.c:111 - INSERT INTO `quest`(`quest_id`, `char_id`, `state`, `time`, `count1`, `count2`, `count3`) VALUES ('251675244', '150503', '10','1', '268452455', '1773', '268452459') [Êý¾Ý¿â]: DB error - Duplicate entry '150503-268452834' for key 'PRIMARY' [³ý´íģʽ]: at int_quest.c:111 - INSERT INTO `quest`(`quest_id`, `char_id`, `state`, `time`, `count1`, `count2`, `count3`) VALUES ('268452834', '150503', '2740','32768', '268452460', '1', '285229671') [Êý¾Ý¿â]: DB error - Duplicate entry '150503-285229675' for key 'PRIMARY' [³ý´íģʽ]: at int_quest.c:111 - INSERT INTO `quest`(`quest_id`, `char_id`, `state`, `time`, `count1`, `count2`, `count3`) VALUES ('285229675', '150503', '14533','1', '285229676', '1', '302006887') [Êý¾Ý¿â]: DB error - Duplicate entry '150503-302006891' for key 'PRIMARY' [³ý´íģʽ]: at int_quest.c:111 - INSERT INTO `quest`(`quest_id`, `char_id`, `state`, `time`, `count1`, `count2`, `count3`) VALUES ('302006891', '150503', '5748','10', '302006892', '1', '318784103') [Êý¾Ý¿â]: DB error - Duplicate entry '150503-318784107' for key 'PRIMARY' [³ý´íģʽ]: at int_quest.c:111 - INSERT INTO `quest`(`quest_id`, `char_id`, `state`, `time`, `count1`, `count2`, `count3`) VALUES ('318784107', '150503', '4','1', '318784482', '768', '318784109') [Êý¾Ý¿â]: DB error - Duplicate entry '150503-318784108' for key 'PRIMARY' [³ý´íģʽ]: at int_quest.c:111 - INSERT INTO `quest`(`quest_id`, `char_id`, `state`, `time`, `count1`, `count2`, `count3`) VALUES ('318784108', '150503', '4','1', '335561319', '12561', '335561323') [´íÎó]: intif_parse_QuestSave: Failed to save quest(s) for character 150503! [ÐÅÏ¢]: Closed connection from ''. [ÐÅÏ¢]: Closed connection from ''. [ÐÅÏ¢]: Saved char 150505 - 1268: inventory status. [Êý¾Ý¿â]: DB error - data of field 'state' was truncated. [³ý´íģʽ]: column - 1 [³ý´íģʽ]: data - type=MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, length=4 [³ý´íģʽ]: buffer - type=MYSQL_TYPE_LONG, length=4 [Êý¾Ý¿â]: DB error - Duplicate entry '150505-352338539' for key 'PRIMARY' [³ý´íģʽ]: at int_quest.c:111 - INSERT INTO `quest`(`quest_id`, `char_id`, `state`, `time`, `count1`, `count2`, `count3`) VALUES ('352338539', '150505', '578','4', '352338540', '1', '369115751') [Êý¾Ý¿â]: DB error - Duplicate entry '150505-369115755' for key 'PRIMARY' [³ý´íģʽ]: at int_quest.c:111 - INSERT INTO `quest`(`quest_id`, `char_id`, `state`, `time`, `count1`, `count2`, `count3`) VALUES ('369115755', '150505', '1769','10', '369115756', '1', '385892967') [Êý¾Ý¿â]: DB error - Duplicate entry '150505-385892971' for key 'PRIMARY' [³ý´íģʽ]: at int_quest.c:111 - INSERT INTO `quest`(`quest_id`, `char_id`, `state`, `time`, `count1`, `count2`, `count3`) VALUES ('385892971', '150505', '6435','10', '385892972', '1', '402670183') [Êý¾Ý¿â]: DB error - Duplicate entry '150505-402670187' for key 'PRIMARY' [³ý´íģʽ]: at int_quest.c:111 - INSERT INTO `quest`(`quest_id`, `char_id`, `state`, `time`, `count1`, `count2`, `count3`) VALUES ('402670187', '150505', '0','11', '402670188', '1', '-559038801') [Êý¾Ý¿â]: DB error - Duplicate entry '150505-1062491848' for key 'PRIMARY' [³ý´íģʽ]: at int_quest.c:111 - INSERT INTO `quest`(`quest_id`, `char_id`, `state`, `time`, `count1`, `count2`, `count3`) VALUES ('1062491848', '150505', '0','32712', '6482496', '0', '45614408') [´íÎó]: intif_parse_QuestSave: Failed to save quest(s) for character 150505!
many many question error...
At revision 13635.
At revision 13635.
Edited by rosfus, 06 December 2013 - 09:19 AM.
In: 0.000 kB/s (0.000 kB/s, Q: 0.000 kB) | Out: 0.000 kB/s (0.000 kB/s, Q: 0.000 kB) | RAM: 0.827 MB In: 0.000 kB/s (0.000 kB/s, Q: 0.000 kB) | Out: 0.000 kB/s (0.000 kB/s, Q: 0.000 kB) | RAM: 0.827 MB In: 0.000 kB/s (0.000 kB/s, Q: 0.000 kB) | Out: 0.000 kB/s (0.000 kB/s, Q: 0.000 kB) | RAM: 0.827 MB In: 0.000 kB/s (0.000 kB/s, Q: 0.000 kB) | Out: 0.000 kB/s (0.000 kB/s, Q: 0.000 kB) | RAM: 0.827 MB In: 0.000 kB/s (0.000 kB/s, Q: 0.000 kB) | Out: 0.000 kB/s (0.000 kB/s, Q: 0.000 kB) | RAM: 0.810 MB [³ý´íģʽ]: at int_quest.c:111 - INSERT INTO `quest`(`quest_id`, `char_id`, `state`, `time`, `count1`, `count2`, `count3`) VALUES ('318784107', '150449', '4','1', '318784482', '768', '318784109') [Êý¾Ý¿â]: DB error - Duplicate entry '150449-318784108' for key 'PRIMARY' [³ý´íģʽ]: at int_quest.c:111 - INSERT INTO `quest`(`quest_id`, `char_id`, `state`, `time`, `count1`, `count2`, `count3`) VALUES ('318784108', '150449', '4','1', '335561319', '12561', '335561323') [Êý¾Ý¿â]: DB error - Duplicate entry '150449-335561324' for key 'PRIMARY' [³ý´íģʽ]: at int_quest.c:111 - INSERT INTO `quest`(`quest_id`, `char_id`, `state`, `time`, `count1`, `count2`, `count3`) VALUES ('335561324', '150449', '4','1', '352338535', '14592', '352338539') In: 0.000 kB/s (0.000 kB/s, Q: 0.000 kB) | Out: 0.000 kB/s (0.000 kB/s, Q: 0.000 kB) | RAM: 0.810 MB [³ý´íģʽ]: at int_quest.c:111 - INSERT INTO `quest`(`quest_id`, `char_id`, `state`, `time`, `count1`, `count2`, `count3`) VALUES ('352338540', '150449', '10','1', '369115751', '578', '369115755') [Êý¾Ý¿â]: DB error - Duplicate entry '150449-369115756' for key 'PRIMARY' [³ý´íģʽ]: at int_quest.c:111 - INSERT INTO `quest`(`quest_id`, `char_id`, `state`, `time`, `count1`, `count2`, `count3`) VALUES ('369115756', '150449', '10','1', '385892967', '1769', '385892971') [Êý¾Ý¿â]: DB error - Duplicate entry '150449-385892972' for key 'PRIMARY' [³ý´íģʽ]: at int_quest.c:111 - INSERT INTO `quest`(`quest_id`, `char_id`, `state`, `time`, `count1`, `count2`, `count3`) VALUES ('385892972', '150449', '11','1', '402670183', '6435', '402670187') In: 0.000 kB/s (0.000 kB/s, Q: 0.000 kB) | Out: 0.000 kB/s (0.000 kB/s, Q: 0.000 kB) | RAM: 0.810 MB [³ý´íģʽ]: at int_quest.c:111 - INSERT INTO `quest`(`quest_id`, `char_id`, `state`, `time`, `count1`, `count2`, `count3`) VALUES ('402670188', '150449', '2','1', '419447399', '12622', '419447403') [Êý¾Ý¿â]: DB error - Duplicate entry '150449-419447404' for key 'PRIMARY' [³ý´íģʽ]: at int_quest.c:111 - INSERT INTO `quest`(`quest_id`, `char_id`, `state`, `time`, `count1`, `count2`, `count3`) VALUES ('419447404', '150449', '207','1', '436224615', '6383', '436224619') [Êý¾Ý¿â]: DB error - Duplicate entry '150449-436224620' for key 'PRIMARY' [³ý´íģʽ]: at int_quest.c:111 - INSERT INTO `quest`(`quest_id`, `char_id`, `state`, `time`, `count1`, `count2`, `count3`) VALUES ('436224620', '150449', '15','1', '453001831', '12697', '453001835') [Êý¾Ý¿â]: DB error - Duplicate entry '150449-453001836' for key 'PRIMARY' [³ý´íģʽ]: at int_quest.c:111 - INSERT INTO `quest`(`quest_id`, `char_id`, `state`, `time`, `count1`, `count2`, `count3`) VALUES ('453001836', '150449', '63','1', '469779047', '11501', '469779051') [״̬]: Map-server #0 has disconnected. [״̬]: ÉèÖÃÍæ¼Ò Lydia : 0
[root@AY1311060409307653e9Z trunk]# gdb xxx-server core GNU gdb (GDB) Red Hat Enterprise Linux (7.2-60.el6_4.1) Copyright © 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <> This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Type "show copying" and "show warranty" for details. This GDB was configured as "x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu". For bug reporting instructions, please see: <>... xxx-server: No such file or directory. /root/rosfus/trunk/core: No such file or directory. (gdb) bt full No stack. (gdb)
don't do xxx-server
xxx = map/login/char (the server which is crashing)
so type,
xxx = map/login/char (the server which is crashing)
so type,
gdb map-server coreor
gdb map-server map-server.core(As per wiki)
Edited by Dastgir Pojee, 06 December 2013 - 10:30 AM.
(gdb) quit [root@AY1311060409307653e9Z trunk]# gdb map-server core GNU gdb (GDB) Red Hat Enterprise Linux (7.2-60.el6_4.1) Copyright © 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <> This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Type "show copying" and "show warranty" for details. This GDB was configured as "x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu". For bug reporting instructions, please see: <>... Reading symbols from /root/rosfus/trunk/map-server...done. /root/rosfus/trunk/core: No such file or directory. (gdb) [ÐÅÏ¢]: Closed connection from ''. [ÐÅÏ¢]: Closed connection from ''. bt full No stack. (gdb) [ÐÅÏ¢]: Saved char 150503 - 1283: inventory status.still no stack.
[DATABASE]: DB error - data of field 'state' was truncated. [DEBUG]: column - 1 [DEBUG]: data - type=MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, length=4 [DEBUG]: buffer - type=MYSQL_TYPE_LONG, length=4 [ERROR]: intif_parse_QuestLog: quest 0 not found in DB. [STATUS]: 设置人数 Lydia : 2
changed status to: Started
[ÐÅÏ¢]: Party loaded (187 - 12342). [ÐÅÏ¢]: mail load complete from DB - id: 150354 (total: 0) [״̬]: ÉèÖÃÍæ¼Ò Lydia : 8 [ÐÅÏ¢]: Saved char 150354 - С°×: skills. [ÐÅÏ¢]: Character 'С°×' logged off. [´íÎó]: Server received crash signal! Attempting to save all online characters! [ÐÅÏ¢]: Saved char 150354 - С°×: inventory. [ÐÅÏ¢]: Saved char 150354 - С°×: inventory storage status accdata status2 skills hotkeys. [ÐÅÏ¢]: Saved char 150079 - ÆÆËéµÄÆ¿: inventory status. [ÐÅÏ¢]: Saved char 150088 - ÂäÈÕ: status. [ÐÅÏ¢]: Saved char 150098 - ¡ðôà¡ð: status. [Êý¾Ý¿â]: DB error - data of field 'state' was truncated. [³ý´íģʽ]: column - 1 [³ý´íģʽ]: data - type=MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, length=4 [³ý´íģʽ]: buffer - type=MYSQL_TYPE_LONG, length=4 [Êý¾Ý¿â]: DB error - Duplicate entry '150098-1784707200' for key 'PRIMARY' [³ý´íģʽ]: at int_quest.c:111 - INSERT INTO `quest`(`quest_id`, `char_id`, `state`, `time`, `count1`, `count2`, `count3`) VALUES ('1784707200', '150098', '-943077899','32763', '6534917', '0', '55050339')
Question, whats your operating system?
Question, whats the value of your MAX_QUEST_DB (in quest.h)?
Question, whats the value of your MAX_QUEST_DB (in quest.h)?
changed status to: Needs More Info
I have tried to reproduce in numerous cases without success, we really need the gdb report to pinpoint the source, given the wiki method hasn't worked for you I recommend you launch map-server separately (not with the start script) via gdb:
bt full
and get the output for us
gdb ./map-serverras soon as it crashes it will print the debug data, when that happens, type:
bt full
and get the output for us
Maybe you have gdb disabled, try ind method, it is most likely to work.
Or type
ulimit -u unlimited
Then start server and let it crash, then type
Gdb map-server core
Or type
ulimit -u unlimited
Then start server and let it crash, then type
Gdb map-server core
hi ind
my ver
my ver
[root@AY1311060409307653e9Z trunk]# cat /proc/version Linux version 2.6.32-358.6.2.el6.x86_64 ([email protected]) (gcc version 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-3) (GCC) ) #1 SMP Thu May 16 20:59:36 UTC 2013and
#define MAX_QUEST_DB (63355+1) // Highest quest ID + 1
question did you (or one of your gms) use @reloadquestdb?
no never reloadquestdb today.
changed status to: Fixed
I still have some error .
shit i change to use windows2003, i find error is in char server, not in mapserver!!
shit i change to use windows2003, i find error is in char server, not in mapserver!!
[数据库]: DB error - data of field 'state' was truncated. [除错模式]: column - 1 [除错模式]: data - type=MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, length=4 [除错模式]: buffer - type=MYSQL_TYPE_LONG, length=4 [信息]: Saved char 155551 - 觉觉猪Zzz: status. [数据库]: DB error - data of field 'state' was truncated. [除错模式]: column - 1 [除错模式]: data - type=MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, length=4 [除错模式]: buffer - type=MYSQL_TYPE_LONG, length=4 [信息]: request connect - account_id:2003975/login_id1:1921531212/login_id 26882
changed status to: New
changed status to: Needs More Info
question whats your mysql server version?
another question, would it be possible for you to select all `quest` table entries for char id 155551 and send it to me?