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One of the icons of the showevent command that can be placed on the mini-map is missing
As the officer are 4 colors, that they are:
As the officer are 4 colors, that they are:
- Yellow
- Orange
- Green
- Purple
The orange marker was, to my knowledge, disabled on recent clients (trying to use it bugs/does nothing) - I recall this because of the questinfo command, we had quite a struggle to figure out why the devs had swapped the color codes
the yellow color works on this client that you tested?
Purple works on recent clients 2014+
Here are some data obtained from the zone of aegis.
enum enumQTYPE{ QTYPE_YELLOW = 0x0, QTYPE_ORANG = 0x1, QTYPE_GREEN = 0x2, QTYPE_PURPLE = 0x3 };