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Member Since 05 Jun 2013
Offline Last Active Jun 04 2017 09:59 AM

#50050 Changelook Function

Posted by Ragno on 03 February 2015 - 08:23 PM

Okay Let me try first thanks! btw will this change only cloth color? or both hair and cloth? and how about different hair and cloth color like (color #25 for hair and color#30 for cloth)

It will change only the cloth color, but you can edit it to make it work as you may need: change cloth or hair color only, change both cloth and hair with the same color, or change both cloth and hair with different colors.

To change hair color use "changelook 6" instead of "changelook 7". Please see the hercules documentation for script commands to see how does that scripts works (just search for *changelook in your browser).

#50094 Changelook Function

Posted by Garr on 04 February 2015 - 12:37 PM

For that to work you need to edit the function itself.

1) Replace end with return;

That way it'll change cloth color for a sec, and then change hair color for a sec.

2) If you need both at the same time you need to edit the function more, like this:

function    script    ChangeStyle    {        changelook 7,getarg(0);        changelook 6,getarg(2);        dispbottom "Your cloth color has changed to "+getarg(0)+" and hair color to "+getarg(2);        dispbottom "With a duration of a second, then your look will return to normal";        sleep2 1000;        changelook 7,getarg(1);        changelook 6,getarg(3);        dispbottom "Your look has returned to normal.";        end;}

And, accordingly, change the call from item

callfunc "ChangeStyle",554,getlook(7),264,getlook(6);

#49851 Changelook Function

Posted by Ragno on 31 January 2015 - 11:35 PM

You need to save in a new variable the previous look value before change it, then when unequip the armor make the changelook with the value saved of the var. Something like these:


    OnEquipScript: <"        previouspal = getlook(7);        changelook 7,201;    ">    OnUnequipScript: <" changelook 7,previouspal; "> 

#47325 Requesting Working Patchlist for 20131223 Client NEMO

Posted by Lilystar on 06 December 2014 - 03:43 AM

First of all, please remove diffs other than Recommended.
You apply the kind that is more than double than me.

#47329 Requesting Working Patchlist for 20131223 Client NEMO

Posted by Alexandria on 06 December 2014 - 07:00 AM

[font="'comic sans ms', cursive;"]Check console if map server says something and also just for testing purpose, dont remove "Ignore [/font]Missing File Error" diff.

#47094 Request Client 2013-12-23

Posted by Lilystar on 30 November 2014 - 03:05 PM

yes the client side files without the whole kRO


Uploaded completed.


2013-12-23 Client Side Files

#43513 Slot Machine

Posted by GmOcean on 14 September 2014 - 06:25 AM


File Name: Slot Machine
File Submitter: GmOcean
File Submitted: 14 Sep 2014
File Category: Events & Games

This script will allow users to spend zeny &/or an item for a chance to win a prize from the slot machine. Currently there are 2 versions. First is a Single Slot Machine, where only 1 slot is rolled. Second is the Triple Slot machine, where 3 slots are rolled. For either version, SUCCESS must be the only thing displayed in order to win.

To add the cutins, just place them in: data/texture/À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º/illust

/* =============================================================
/* NOTE - If using soundeffects you must add the ".wav" files
/* provided in the ".rar" file to your: data/wav  folder located
/* in either your:  ( Ragnarok folder )  OR  ( .grf file )
/* =============================================================

I've included the PSD file, so you can edit it as you like.

Click here to download this file

#20479 Need Support with Earth Strain

Posted by Angelmelody on 21 November 2013 - 06:06 PM

        // lv 1 & 2 = Strip Helm, lv 3 = Strip Armor, lv 4 = Strip Weapon and lv 5 = Strip Accessory. [malufett]
        const int pos[5] = { EQP_HELM, EQP_HELM, EQP_ARMOR, EQP_WEAPON, EQP_ACC };
        skill->strip_equip(bl, pos[skill_lv-1], 6 * skill_lv + status->get_lv(src) / 4 + status_get_dex(src) / 10,
        skill_lv, skill->get_time2(skill_id,skill_lv));
6 * skill_lv + status->get_lv(src) / 4 + status_get_dex(src) / 10 --->rate
change to

#20504 Need Support with Earth Strain

Posted by Angelmelody on 22 November 2013 - 07:45 AM


        // lv 1 & 2 = Strip Helm, lv 3 = Strip Armor, lv 4 = Strip Weapon and lv 5 = Strip Accessory. [malufett]
        const int pos[5] = { EQP_HELM, EQP_HELM, EQP_ARMOR, EQP_WEAPON, EQP_ACC };
        skill->strip_equip(bl, pos[skill_lv-1], 6 * skill_lv + status->get_lv(src) / 4 + status_get_dex(src) / 10,
        skill_lv, skill->get_time2(skill_id,skill_lv));
6 * skill_lv + status->get_lv(src) / 4 + status_get_dex(src) / 10 --->rate
change to

so you mean the 6 * skill_lv + status->get_lv(src) / 4 + status_get_dex(src) / 10

i will change it to 1?


 Obviously,I did tell you 'skill_lv'    -_-