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Member Since 30 Oct 2014
Offline Last Active Sep 05 2015 01:22 PM

#11999 Hercules Radio

Posted by Mumbles on 25 July 2013 - 12:12 PM

Utility: Hercules Radio
As per youtube's request: http://herc.ws/board/topic/1676-rhelp/
A radio NPC that plays preset selection of client-side songs (these songs are to be placed in the 'BGM' folder).
The command '@radio' was added as a convenience, to allow songs to be played wherever the invoking player may be. Songs are played on the map in which the NPC was invoked, meaning that if a player is in pay_gld and types '@radio', (s)he and everyone on the map will hear the selected song. Each time a song is played, a lock is set for the preset minutes; this lock prevents the NPC from being accessed. A countdown in minutes and seconds is be displayed to reflect the remaining time until the next song can be played.

#57497 Class Setter (Disguise as Third Job, Trans, Etc)

Posted by Ancyker on 29 May 2015 - 04:54 AM

This script will disguise a character as another class similar to theirs, i.e. disguise a Lord Knight as a Rune Knight or vice versa. If they have a mount, it will display.


I've kept this to myself for a while, but after seeing the terrible ways people were going about this, I decided to release this to the public. It's loosely based on the script I made for RebirthRO.


Get it from GitHub


Posted Image


Note: You cannot charge for access to this NPC or it's features. For more details see here.

#34087 [Paid] for Battlegrounds 2.0 Type System

Posted by Dastgir on 15 April 2014 - 11:16 AM

Those who want it, Please kinda have patience,As eAmod BG is too vast, and I am doing it without having BG Scripts(Just testing eAmod BG from eAmod servers.).. since I am working on this, and will release the bg one by one(free of cost..)..