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Member Since 18 Jul 2015
Offline Last Active Jul 25 2015 07:35 PM

Topics I've Started

Harmony Help

21 July 2015 - 08:38 PM

Hello, our server use harmony for protection. We can block all third programs like RCX but there is a problem... for some reason we are not able to succesfully block RoMedic(autopots).... is there any solution. I would really appreciate if someone could give me a brief guide on how to setup harmony correctly ^-^







Once-Ro GM Team

[Hiring] Advanced coder for advice/work. Read for payment

20 July 2015 - 10:42 PM

We are looking for someone with advanced knowledge in editing codes / eAthena . Currently we have an issue with the abuse of the program RoMedic(Autopots) in our server. We are looking for information on how to succesfully ban the use of this 3rd party program. We are willing to pay money, starting from 50 dollars for someone to give us the info on what to do/ work with us in the process of fixing this issue. 

The payment will be discussed after we are sure of the capacity of the applicant.

If you are interested in the work. Please PM me with your skype info and we will contact you.

Once-RO GM Team