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Member Since 22 Jul 2015
Offline Last Active Aug 10 2015 09:54 AM

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In Topic: Client Translation Project

09 August 2015 - 09:12 PM

The sprites are missing


was that to me? or to someone else?


I sucessfuly did the steps in my guide on my laptop too and I just fresh installed windows 10 and followed my guide and it worked fine there aswell.

In Topic: Client Translation Project

02 August 2015 - 12:47 PM

On luafiles514 too, all .lua should be renamed to .lub , also be sure to repatch the files once kRO patches, since kRO patch would overwrite the file.

I found that most of the files were already .lub and didn't manage to get it done by myself :( I did manage to get the video done! (winning first place in a gaming challenge slowed me down!) I'm hoping someone around the world with more skill than me will do a picture-by-picture guide of getting Official KRO into english.


There are alot of points in the video that I say "click on the video for the link" but you can't actually link to just any outside site with Youtube annotations so the links are all in the description


EDIT: I posted my video here absolutely first to say thank you for the help :)




I was told a Video link was inapropriate to the forum rules, I have added my Youtube URL to my signature, If you are intrested you may find it there and veiw it off the Hercules site. I checked that this was OK before doing so.

In Topic: Client Translation Project

23 July 2015 - 02:32 PM

I see, So I need to use a program that can read and edit a .GRF files and then re add them back in if there is a patch that overwrites anything

edit: didn't take me long to mess this up :P

Posted Image

The game loaded up, the list before the server list was called "local" instead of the normal name in korean, but then it took a long time to try and load the actual list of severs, failed to load them and exited the client, i brought back in my backup data.grf and everything was ok. I'll definately try again with only a few things at a time rather than trying to add the whole data folder from the translation!

Do you think [Custom] pettalktable was the file it didn't respond well to? Or perhaps I need the Korean Language pack installed on Windows so that my folder names are in proper Korean

I think for my smaller tests i'll just use files that already exit and replace them

Edit2: I did the texture folder without any problems, it changed the "Second Password" screen to English which was great, couldn't see any other changes once logged in. Can't wait until I find the Skill Tree translation folder/files

Edit3: Having some mixed results, sometimes the game boots me out before character select after editing the .GRF After I did the Texture Folder sucessfully I tried to do dataluafiles514lua filesquest and skillinfoz got booted out and I couldn't read the message as to why :(

As I don't want to poke the Bear too much and get banned i've decided to play a bit with the unmoddified and then try to modify and then do a bit of playing so I just look like someone with bad patching problems :P

In Topic: Client Translation Project

22 July 2015 - 04:22 PM

Incredible! thank you! Do you think anything else in the client is changable to English? I'm actually really happy to play the game with just the items in English but I just thought i'd ask. I'm about to make a guide video so anyone at all can play on KRO too :) and i'd like to mention how people can then put their game into english by pointing them right to you guys if that is okPosted Image

In Topic: Client Translation Project

22 July 2015 - 03:01 PM

Quick question, i'm playing on Official KRO (on the official client) and putting the Data and System folder from the translation isn't working for me
Is the reason this isn't working because i'm making a mistake by just using those folders or is this kind of translation method not going to work for someone playing on KRO's official client.
I know there is a player from spain that manages to play on official KRO and has his game items translated but he didn't respond to a message yet on the forum I found him on