miss one argument.
...,622, <amount>;
Posted by Capuche on 04 September 2013 - 01:05 PM
miss one argument.
...,622, <amount>;
Posted by Capuche on 31 July 2013 - 03:56 PM
if (Class > 21) { if (BaseLevel < .Rebirth[0] || JobLevel < .Rebirth[2]) { set .@blvl, .Rebirth[0]-BaseLevel; set .@jlvl, .Rebirth[2]-JobLevel; message strcharinfo(0),"You need "+((.@blvl>0)?.@blvl+" more base levels "+((.@jlvl>0)?"/ ":""):"")+((.@jlvl>0)?.@jlvl+" more job levels ":"")+"to continue."; } else Job_Menu(roclass(.@eac|EAJL_THIRD)); close;}
Posted by Capuche on 09 June 2013 - 11:21 PM
I can't read the text in the picture you post.
Posted by Capuche on 26 May 2013 - 12:48 AM
Just a fast test and :
// forgot ;set .equiprobability, 1set .map_job_exp_multiplier, 200
// forgot bracketset $@specialmap$, getd(".maps_" + .@randarray + "$["+ .@randpos +"]";
// .mobs_X type integer not stringset .@randpos, rand(0, getarraysize(getd(".mobs_" + .@randarray + "$")) - 1);set $@specialmob, getd(".mobs_" + .@randarray + "$["+ .@randpos +"]"); // This black magic is supposed to draw a random mob from the poolset $@specialmob, getd(".mobs_" + .@i + "$["+ .@draw +"]");
// display the mob IDif ($@specialmob) announce $@specialmob + " has a x" + .mob_base_exp_multiplier/100 + "." + .mob_base_exp_multiplier0 + " base exp and a x" + .mob_job_exp_multiplier/100 + "." + .mob_job_exp_multiplier0 + " job exp multiplier for the weekend!",bc_self;
// must be under OnMon0000: or the config is deleted right after be loaddonpcevent strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnDelConfig"; //This way we save memory for the week at the cost of a bit of process
// @set .@jobexp, getmonsterinfo($@specialmob,4)*(.@mob_job_exp_multiplier - 100)/getbattleflag("quest_exp_rate");
Also when both map + mob of the week enabled that give a strange multiplicator... dunno why
Posted by Capuche on 23 May 2013 - 10:11 PM
setarray .maps_1$[0],"mymap1","mymap2","mymap3";setarray .maps_2$[0],"mymap129","mymap130";// Other settings for mapsset .num_map_arrays, 2; // Set this to the number of arrays you have for maps.
set .@randarray, rand(1, .num_map_arrays);
this method break the equiprobability i.e. user put 100 maps in array 1 and only 1 in array 2 but 50% to select map on array 2
// Maths for avoiding using quest_exp_rate but base_exp_rate. We substract 100 because the first 100% is given by the mob. set .@bonusbexprate, (.mob_base_exp_multiplier - 100) * getbattleflag("base_exp_rate") / getbattleflag("quest_exp_rate"); set .@bonusjexprate, (.mob_job_exp_multiplier - 100) * getbattleflag("base_exp_rate") / getbattleflag("quest_exp_rate");
I don't get why you use quest_exp_rate, do you mind to explain me ?
Posted by Capuche on 27 April 2013 - 03:24 PM
*Wild Capuche approach*
I believe you don't need freeloop(1);
if (.init) donpcevent strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnInit"; // Faction data from OnInit MUST be loaded
must be
if (!.init) donpcevent strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnInit"; // Faction data from OnInit MUST be loaded
to load OnInit when it's not