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Member Since 10 Aug 2015
Offline Last Active Aug 31 2015 10:03 AM

Topics I've Started

Server Traffic

19 August 2015 - 06:58 AM

Hey ho,


Actually I'm browsing around looking for good CDN offers, but I see they are settled on per traffic prices

for example you pay 0,119 USD for every GB your server produces in traffic.

So correct me if my perception is completly wrong in those pricing models ^_^ .


So there comes up a question, that I've got no to none experience of.


How much traffic does a herc based server produce if you are running the full server setup meaning the emulator itself+website including client downloads ( maybe put them on some file sharing providers would makes sense no? :D ) .. Well it depends on how many persons will play on the server,

but maybe we can get an average per person traffic or we are taking an average populated example. Be creativ! :rolleyes:


Mind sharing your experience?


Thanks in advance




Which rates do you prefer?

13 August 2015 - 03:33 PM

I am curious.. what the majority likes  :rolleyes:

If the choice is not in the poll feel free to comment it.

How do you make Ragnarok Graphics

12 August 2015 - 02:50 PM

Hello mates,


I am curious how you start the process of creating ragnarok art.


How do you achieve the retro-look of letting pixelicious art look great and ro-ish.


Yours Noil

Pre-Renewal Client

12 August 2015 - 07:47 AM

Hello there,


I want to set up a thin Pre-Renewal-Client, that should possible include everything for running stable.


Is there any thread yet?


Goals ( order by preference )

1. Stability

2. Minimalism


Yours Noil

Logging in same Account multiple times

11 August 2015 - 08:47 AM



Do you know the situation of playing Ragnarok professional, that you end up having like at least 10 accounts?


My idea is to log in the same account multiple times, but not multiple times in the same charackter like shifting the double login check just one step deeper.


I think this will become something source moddy?


Possible problems I see:

Item duplication due to parallel storage use, but this would be like gstorage?


