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Member Since 08 Sep 2015
Offline Last Active Apr 01 2017 12:59 PM

Topics I've Started

R>@shower for 3ceam

11 April 2016 - 04:55 AM

My script 

-	script	asdfgadhjkl	-1,{  end;OnInit:	bindatcmd "shower",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnShowerCommand",99,99;	end;OnShowerCommand:	.@showeritemid = atoi(.@atcmd_parameters$[0]);    	.@showeritamount = atoi(.@atcmd_parameters$[1]);	if ( !.@showeritemid ) {		message strcharinfo(0), "@shower <Item ID> <amount>";        	end;	}    	if ( getiteminfo(.@showeritemid,2) == -1 ) {        	message strcharinfo(0), "Invalid Item ID";		message strcharinfo(0), "@shower <Item ID> <amount>";        	end;    	}	if(.@showeritamount <= 0) {        	message strcharinfo(0), "Invalid Item Amount";		message strcharinfo(0), "@shower <Item ID> <amount>";        	end;    	}	query_sql("SELECT `account_id` FROM `login` WHERE `sex`!='S' ORDER BY `account_id` ASC LIMIT 1", .@minaid);	query_sql("SELECT `account_id` FROM `login` WHERE `sex`!='S' ORDER BY `account_id` DESC LIMIT 1", .@maxid);	.@showermap$ = strcharinfo(3);	freeloop(1);	while ( .@minaid <= .@maxid ) {		if(!attachrid(.@minaid++)) continue;		if(strcharinfo(3) !=.@showermap$ ) continue;		if(checkvending()) continue;		getitem .@showeritemid,.@showeritamount;		announce "Something has been drop from the sky!",bc_self,0xFFC0CB;	}	freeloop(0);end;}

Error when putting @shower 7227 10