The NPC will not talk to me even with a party active and I was curious where in the line i edit to set an amount of zeny to pay. I am going to see if I change the map, will it fix. :x
I'm also getting this error~
[color=#FF0000;font-weight:bold;][Error][/color]: script error in file '(DIRECT INPUT)' line 156 column 2
parse_line: expect command, missing function name or calling undeclared function
153: OnHour12:
154: OnHour18:
155: OnHour00:
* 156: [color=#FF0000;font-weight:bold;]e[/color]ventannounce "Super Training : Out of generosity I'm teaching my greatest techniques for the next two hours, level with me the fast way!","0xFFCC00";
157: setmapflag .TrainingMap$,mf_bexp,.HappyHourBonusRate;
158: setmapflag .TrainingMap$,mf_jexp,.HappyHourBonusRate;
159: end;