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Member Since 21 Sep 2015
Offline Last Active May 18 2018 09:53 AM

Topics I've Started

Automatic Payment System

03 April 2017 - 04:49 AM

Hello friends.

Can anyone help with an automatic payment system? For resources such as webmoney and qiwi? For Fluxcp.

VIP System NPC

25 February 2017 - 07:53 AM

Help me please with NPC which can for zeny change group_id of player who use it.

It is for buying premium account.

I can find only such, but it is gives premium and not changes group_id:

-	script	VIPServiceLogin	-1,{
	if(#VIPSERVICE == 1 && VIP_Lasttime + $VIP_Cooldown > gettimetick(2) && VIP_Lasttime < gettimetick(2)) {
	dispbottom "Your VIP service is active!";
	sc_start SC_EXPBOOST,86400,50;
	sc_start SC_ITEMBOOST,86400,200;

prontera,108,112,4	script	VIP Service	54,{

	// Configs
	set .itemID, 7539; // Set this number to the VIP ticket
	set $VIP_Cooldown,86400;
	// 2592000 is the amount of milliseconds in 30 days.
	// So the VIP ticket will last exactly 30 days.
	// When a player logs in on any char on the account, they will get an item / exp drop rate buff.
	// The buff lasts 24 hours, but it is given every single time they login, so it will never run out until the 30 days are up.
	// After giving in a VIP ticket, the player can talk to the NPC to see how much longer they have till the 30 days are over.
		if(#VIPSERVICE == 1 && VIP_Lasttime + $VIP_Cooldown > gettimetick(2) && VIP_Lasttime < gettimetick(2)) {
		set .@last,VIP_Lasttime + $VIP_Cooldown - gettimetick(2);
		set .@days,.@last / 60 / 60 / 24;
		set .@hours,.@last / 60 / 60 % 60;
		set .@minutes,.@last / 60 % 60;
		set .@seconds,.@last % 60;
		mes "You have: ";
		mes ""+.@days+" days "+.@hours+" hours "+.@minutes+" minutes "+.@seconds+" seconds";
		mes "in your VIP service remaining.";
	mes "Hello!";
	mes "Would you like to redeem your VIP Service ticket?";
	switch(select("Yes!:No.")) {
	case 1:
		if (countitem(.itemID) > 0) {
		delitem .itemID,1;
		set #VIPSERVICE,1;
		mes "Congrats, you now have VIP service!";
		mes "You must relog for it to take effect.";
		set VIP_Lasttime,gettimetick(2);
		else {
		mes "You do not have a VIP ticket!";
		mes "Come back when you get one.";
	case 2:
		mes "Very well, I shall be here if you change your mind.";


Flux Install Problem

05 February 2017 - 02:23 PM


Help please with this:

ALready do such commands as in picture
